Taliban consolidate power in Kabul, announce 'amnesty' • FRANCE 24 English

Sounds all good to me, just remember, be fair be kind (and) on religious matters, keep yourselves on the middle path, God only likes those who are fair kind and those who keep themselves on the middle path, He doesnt like those who go to extremes and those who disgraces Him and His messengers, the neqab is way too extreme, dont force the ladies to wear them, there is no compulsion in faith, if God wanted us to believe He could certainty forcefully made us follow a path, like He did with the Angels, we are not angels, we were given free will and when we do right or sin, it doesnt affect God in the slightest manner, He is not the one who loses anything we are, this is how He wanted His creation to be govern by these laws, and you Talibs as the new governors of Afghanistan should also follow the laws in which God has prescribed for us all, on the Day of Judgment is when things will be settled and we are not too far from that day, lets honor our agreement with our Creator till that day comes or to the day before when we leave this world.
Be kind treat people with respect be just uphold the rule of law, dont be too quick to issue punishments and when you do be mild about it dont take things too extremes do all these simple things and it will reflect back at you making governing lots easer for you, good luck :) 

Couple of things that should not be tolerated is, you MUST go after the drug traders, you MUST punish the pedophiles and you MUST go after those who seek to harm civilians, the terrorists.
Three things you need to do are these in additional to the other things we talked about, being nice kind and the rest of it, if you do these you will be successful, God willing :)
