To the Talib leadership !

I am asking you to show your outmost respect for the words on the flag you are using, take this opportunity and show the world that what you say you stand for and represent will NOT be of ridiculed and looked down upon by the rest of the world, you now represent what I also believe in and you need to show it and be the best Talibs you can be, and it starts with how you now are to govern Afghanistan, it starts with what has been clearly prescribed in the Holy Quran, I want you to give your citizens their full Islamic rights to the fullest, it means you have to allow all Afghans who are to seek higher education their rights to do so, God as I have said and as you know stated men are (only) one little degree above women but with the (same) rights !!! women have the same rights as men have, this is Scripture and you cannot change the Words of God, you must uphold it with the last of your breaths, you are now the governors of Afghanistan and the responsibility of this task is now in your hands, and you must uphold this, I also ask you to put a full end to puppy growth, you must ensure not one single puppy plant is sucking the blessings of God on your lands, anyone who still grow puppies must receive 100 lashes, you must also end this practice of bache bazi, anyone even if its your own generals your own war lords your own family members doesnt matter who the hell it is, must be first an opportunity to stop this, make them swear in the name of God three times to show repentance, if it comes to light that they still continue this sinful act, you MUST execute them, again doesnt matter who it is, they will have one change to repent after that execution will be the answer to those who continue this grave sin, I also ask you to make the ISIL prisoners to also repent by swearing in Gods name that they will follow the laws of the land, and if it comes to light that they have broken their promises, they shall also get executed, make sure the world who have their eyes on you have nothing to complain about, about womens dress code, you know very well what God has said about this subject, dont go outside the Law !!! if you do that you will have the curse of God upon you again, be the best Talibs you can be, make sure law and order is followed in the land, I am asking you to practice kindness, this is the key, kindness, be nice to people, treat people with respect, when things calm down in the coming weeks, I am asking you to put up classes for your members to educate them how good they shall treat people they govern over, your own members need courses on these topics, you need to educate them otherwise they wont know how to treat people on the streets, I want to see a brand new Talibans coming out of this trial God has provided for you, you are on trail now, I am sure you can with the right leadership go through this test with colorful numbers, I want you to create a country a society where Afghans from all around the world comes back to rebuild Afghanistan under proper rule, do this and I am sure you will receive all the help and assistance you need to do all these great things, remember, the key is kindness, wasnt  Prophet Mohammad the nicest man ?? sure he was, everyone loved him, be more like him, dont disrespect his legacy, may God be with you :) and dont forget to smile more !!! I will come with more instructions later. 

