Tony Blair condemns US withdrawal from Afghanistan

Shouldnt this huge pile of dog crap be in prison for war crimes, crimes against humanity, he is responsible for the murder of millions of innocent people because his whore witch wife of his put the idea in his shithead that he would become something special one day, yeah a fucking war criminal with the blood of millions of innocent people on his hand, son of a bitch, he of all better keep his mouth shut, he must one day go to prison for what he caused when he lied to people and led them into this mess, and now he is so stubborn he feels like, millions of innocent deaths is not enough, now this son of a bitch wants to double down on it and have even more killed, paid by YOUR tax dollars that is, I know what should be done with him, he should be airdropped over some lawless place anywhere in the world, give this asshole a gun some food and water and see how long he can make it taking his ass out of the mess he find himself in, because thats how the troops felt when they were sent to fight and die for this asshole, he MUST go to prison, he just has to, he MUST be arrested, Interpol MUST put an arrest order on this son of a bitch, Tony Blair. 
