Veterans and Gold Star parents react to fall of Afghanistan

Get the fuck out of here, you went there to get paid, you didnt go there to free any fucking Afghans, now when you have been given your calling to have your five minutes of fame, you bitch like you are some kind of hero, you went there to get paid and have fun shooting guns and shit, get the fuck out of here.

I want to hear and see from the honorable veterans also have to have their say, I know the vast majority of you are agreeing with the withdraw, the reason I say this is because, since I remember, I have been hearing nothing from veterans but to pull out of Afghanistan, but now all of the sudden when its done, we see these idiots these mercenaries on mainstream media crying bitch, first of all nobody forced you to go and fight, you signed up to go there, money and shooting guns having fun playing heros coming back and for your poor asses to have other job opportunities later of you uneducated morons, these are your primary reason you went there, many of you at least, not all but enough of you, you know it and I know it, the point still remains, I know 90% of you veterans agree with the withdrawal but one doesnt get that message when you watch these corrupt mainstream media, they are all full of crap, its because like everything else they promote, they themselves are owned by mega banks and these monkeys always want to draw you into another conflict to profit from.

Again, no matter what political side you are on, as a honest veteran, I need you to be honest here and stand for what you once preached, to get the fuck out of Afghanistan, you all know, the Talibans never attacked any others outside their own country, the only sin they committed was not to give up their friend Bin Landen, I mean you have to give it to them at least, like the Talibs or not like Bin Laden or not, at least the Talibs were honorable enough not to give up a friend, they paid for it but at least they stood till the end of their bargaining, that has to count for something, thats a commendable thing, they are not sell outs, they practice what they preach, in my view, only if what they preached was more in line with that they say they stand for and adjust and correct some of their stance on things and then practice on these matters, I think they would be great, something good could come out of the Talibs, the point is, we have nothing to fear from the Talibans, not even back then were they looking to attack anyone, they just made the mistake and gave free haven to Bin Laden and his group, I am sure they wont make the same mistake, if you have noticed something, the Talibs are actually fighting ISIL in Afghanistan, they dont like the jihadis, I am pretty sure we have nothing to worry about with the New Talibs, I only want them to let all women and girls to go do what they did as if nothing has happened, and no POWs should be executed, just let people go and be nice to people, do that and everything is fine, and they also MUST put a firm end to any kind of corruption, and also, arrest all warlords in the country, cant have warlords around, and thats it.

Fuck you mainstream media !!
