WATCH LIVE: Pentagon's John Kirby and Gen. Steve Lyons hold briefing ami...

Its most important to note for all my friends all around the world to know, America WILL ALWAYS remain a friend of mine and that means a friend of yours too if you are on my side, I have come to recognize, corruption exist in within all peoples all nations in all continents, Satan as he is doesnt discriminate as I have stated many times before, I have witnessed it in all countries I have been to within all peoples, as I also have stated, just as Evil does not discriminate, we dont either, we recognize the good that is within all peoples in all continents, the way I see it, we have to play this Game better than the evil ones, because the rules stands the same for all of us, its a matter of freewill, your will to chose, chose between what is good and what is corrupt and bad, its all up top you out there, you decide what side you want to stand on, I personally have finally been freed to come to recognize that I am a dead man walking, I have accepted it, its a very liberating feeling I must say, I have accepted it and I am more than fine with it, in fact I cant explain what a good feeling it is, my life as been a rollercoaster you never know what will happen next, what I know is, I want my Creator on the Day of Judgment to be pleased with me, that I never gave into the corrupt that my place in what is to come is secured, so life in this life or death is not something I am concerned about, and its not a sad thing, as I said its the most liberating feeling one can have, this is the way I feel about it, so I am going to go my way the way I see it fitting, this is my personal way of seeing things, but while we are here, we need to unite all the good people all around the world around the same principles, that is, we dont accept corruption in any shape or form, from anyone, and we always need to speak the truth no matter where it takes us, you all have seen where corruption takes us, it has devested the planet, and if we dont stand up against is, who will, its up to us, we have to do it our way, and that is no tolerance for it, none whatsoever, if you feat God the Creator you know what I am talking about and if you are on the other side you will never get the point, again its up to you, will you grow a pair and stand with us or will you take your chances with the corrupt ones, I can assure you, we are the winning team, this is it, we are the winning team, we are going to be victorious, we are going to set the record straight, trust me, we are, they are going down.  
