What is Kabbalah?

These Jewish rabbis are like donkeys carrying a heavy load of useless misleading with disinformation on their backs to Hell, at the center of all their teaching is "them, i, we, men" not God the Almighty but other entities at the center, they dont believe in God the Creator the Almighty, as you heard this brainless fool say, " God need us to create what He intended to create" in these Jewish teachings as I have explained to you all so many times before is how their religious texts, offends, insults, minimize, mischaracterize, and belittle the Prophets of old and even the Creator Himself, the Kabala and the rest of their books outside the Torah which is NOT the original one, its very corrupted as I have explained all these books are words of the devils, all their texts outside the Torah is the words of Satan, while even their Torah have been corrupted, look how they belittled the Creator in their new Torah, by saying God created the universe all the heavens everything in six days and (rested) on the seventh, listen folks, if you are stupid enough to believe the Creator is in need of rest then you have no clue of who the Creator is in the slightest manner, but Satan made you believe the Creator is an object, a man looking object, Satan made you believe the Creator can get tired, look friends, listen and listen very carefully here, your Creator is PERFERCT !!! your Creator has no imperfections, non whatsoever !!! all He has to do is say the Word and things come into be, or reverse, and when you say your Creator is perfect, if you truly understand what you are saying, you would know no shape or form is perfect, because actual perfection is way way beyond these silly concepts, that is your Creator, something these stupid donkeys these rabbis dont seems to understand, because they have very low IQ, they are most stupid, their brains are at large, I hope you are smarter and realize what I am telling you, your Creator is more than absolutely perfect, He dosent need anything or anyones assistance in His own creation, we are in need of Him, from Him alone we seek help, we dont go to anyone else but directly to Him, listen to me friends, by now I hope most of you who have followed me throughout the years have come to the realization that, somebody from up there is looking out for me, He is the one that has kept me alive, despite what these Luciferians have conspired against me, I am without question the luckiest man alive right now, but luck has nothing to do with it, there is no such thing as luck, either somebody looks after you or dont, and when He decides to look after you, no living entity can do anything about it, not even the Devil, if you believe the reason I am alive has only to do with luck, then you have no clue of what you speak about, even the Luciferians know I am blessed, and blessed for a reason, the reason is my strong unshakable faith in my Creator, and how my faith became this strong is because, I understand a couple of basic things these idiot rabbis and alike dont seems to understand, and the basics are very easy to understand as I am explaining it to you, the first thing you need to understand is, your Creator is PERFECT, if you understand what the word means, its just a simple word but with deep meaning but if you get it you get it, and if you dont, then I suggest you ask your Creator for help, because the second step in getting blessed is, you ONLY go to your Creator to ask for help, you dont wear stupid object around your necks on your wrists or whatever, wear those things and you will certainly will NOT get blessed, then there are other steps as well but 90% of you have trouble with these two concepts so its not use for me to go into the rest right now, I have seen believers wearing objects to "protect" them against the Evil Eye, they have it in their homes they have it in their shops in their cars in their butts lol they have it all over the place, look, I never owned any of it, and despite living and growing up with the Luciferians, non of their evil plots could ever harm me, I mean I am still here, but what I saw much of was, all these Luciferians in their own homes, they had all these objects they thought could protect them from misery and guess what, they were ALL suffering from either this or that, trust me when I say, even though they plotted against me with all they had, my life was actually much more tolerable then theirs, honest to God, I had actually not that bad of a time, sure life was hell but theirs were worse, I enjoyed my stay much more then they could bear, and for this they hated me even more watching me having a better time than they had, and they hated me for it, the reason I am telling you all this is for you to learn a few simple things, and if you do it will be better for you and if you dont then hell with you, here is God has said about certain people, that He knows how corrupt they are so He never guided them and in even some cases hardened their hearts to never get it even if it was right there in front of them, and when you go to satanic scriptures outside your in this case Torah, everything outside it is directly the words of the devils, mark my words on this, and I have also explained in some instances where in the Torah it was corrupted, but it doesnt mean the whole book is corrupted, but was corrupted enough to mislead you into words of Satan like the Kabala and the rest of it, so go back to your Torah, understand what you are reading, take these corrupt concepts out of it and then the Torah will start make sense, the same goes to my Christian friends, if you want the New Testament to make sense, take what that little possessed devil Paul has said out of the book and the New Testament will start make sense to you, try it, it wont hurt you, if it doesnt make sense then you can always go back to what you previously believed, but at least try it and see a whole new word open up right in front of your eyes, but before you do any of that, first pray to your Almighty your Perfect Creator for help and guidance, good luck, and never pay any attention to these donkeys you see in this clip.
You know what God also have stated, He doesnt like wasteful people, you know when you are fat and lazy as he is, thats being most wasteful because you have NOT understand the basic concepts of what God sees as likable, doesnt mean you are going to Hell, but as He stated, He doesnt like wasteful people, its a beautiful concept and way of doing things if you think about it, even smoking cigs is being most wasteful, so I stopped smoking from yesterday, I am soo good right now its unbelievable, bye :)     
