'You keep changing the subject': Tapper presses Blinken on Afghanistan

The outcome of this was predictable so lets stop arguing how much better it should have been conducted, the situation is bad and not many could have made it better no other administration could a much better job a it, its easier to start a war than end a conflict it has been proven to be so over and over again, Afghanistan is complicated, people over there have been used to their way of doing things and nobody could change their ways except for yours truly :) lol at this point I think I am the only guy that turn things for better but its not the right time, the Afghans need a super hero like myself and I am not available for the moment, I am busy taking care of my boat and such lol we all have our problems, the Afghans with their Talibs and I with my boat, it is what it is I guess lol what the Talibs should do for now is NOT to execute those whom they capture, its a sin, there are Islamic rules of engagement, its clearly stated in the Holy Quran and if they dont follow what God has subscribed for them, I urge them to fear Him and His wrath, its a grave sin to execute un armed POWs, a grave grave sin, its murder, so the Talibs shouldnt act like ISIL lunatics, they must do much better because they saw themselves how ISIL was defeated and basically wiped out, if they are pretending to me Muslims then they should behave as such, its very simple, God stated that yes men and women are equals but that men are (just) a degree above them, just a degree, and it dosnt get closer than just one degree, its basically fully equal, but yes men are one small degree above the ladies, because God created Adam first, then Hawa, and if the Talibs say they are Muslims then they know how all Prophets treated their ladies, with outmost respect, and God encouraged ALL to seek higher knowledge, not for women to get locked up at home and not having access to education or even positions of leadership, many wives of Prophets had leadership roles, so why are you Talibs denying them their rights when neither God or His prophets denied their babes important roles to play, let alone denying them to seek formal education, are you Talibs higher than God and His prophets ?? whats the matter with you ??? you think you will have the blessings of God the way you are going about things, again whats the matter with you. Start with this, stop executing those POWs, thats a good start and we will take things from there, remember, change is coming, incoming, its a promise, fear your God !!!
