America Strong: Bipartisan ‘problem solvers’ find common ground

Speaking from personal experience I think its time for many people to learn how to become good losers, I have been seemingly being losing all my life and I have or I have been forced to become a good loser, because every time you lose you learn something new, and if you truly learn from your mistakes your loses God will replace your loses and isnt this the true meaning of life ? I think it is, with loss you enrich your life, losing is not that bad as long as you turn it into something positive, God never place any weight on you cannot bear, you can bear it its only matter if you want to bear it or not, its a personal choice every single time its up to the person, in politics when you lose you have to look into what went wrong and not be stubborn making the same mistake, or you will lose again then you havent learned anything, again its a personal choice, its up to you if you want to learn something move on to something better, better is always out there, the better way you often times find in those who are not doing it better, you can you should learn from them, often times its right in front of you not something too distance, imagine if everyone learned from one another, the first step is to have the right attitude, next step is to have patience and tolerance without these thee virtues you have missed how to govern your life, there are other virtues too you need to be mindful of like being a good loser, look a fruitful tree its branches hang heavily out of humility, you see how humble a tree like that can be look like, be rich in your life like that tree then you are no loser anymore, and what is the purpose of a fruitful tree ? it doesnt make all those sweet fruits for itself, right ??  
