Anderson Cooper Won’t Leave Son Inheritance | The View

 I thought about this subject the other day, actually I have thought about it alot, and I would leave my kid/kids nothing, perhaps a mill perhaps two, thats about it, and thats if they are nice, otherwise I would even take away things from them, like titles, if you want titels you have to earn it, by kissing daddys ass and alot I am telling you, and I will tell you why, when it comes to certain things like earning ones way to Paradise, I am very very selfish about that, thats the ONLY time one should be selfish and ONLY think about him or herself, of course I would do ANYTHING I would go to the moon and back to make sure my babies my kids get the best chances to also earn their way to Gods good gracious so that He accepts one closer to Him, but if the kids dont want to walk that path with me, I would waste efforts on them, its a personal choice, you either are in or out, its that simple, I value the next life over this one, I want whats of the good that can come ones way if we stay truthful and work towards what is prescribed by our Creator for us to earn our way cross those golden gates that is promised to the faithful, and in order to get a good chance to cross over I would let go of anything and everything worldly no matter what it could be, it could be all the money in the world to get that free pass to the Promised Land, and this is in my view how all people should reason, give your wealth to those in need of assistance and perhaps God will show you His supreme mercy in the next life, the real life, the spoils of this life is just a sport, even kings and queens will leave their castles behind to go and meet their Lord, and on that day you will be asked what you did with the God given privileges granted to you and if you dont have the right answer, well God will fill you belly with fire for eternity, the Luciferians think Hell will be a joinable pleasant place, how wrong those stupids are, they are going to find out how badly they misjudged everything in this life, I wouldnt want to be them thats for sure.   
