Biden to campaign for California Governor Gavin Newsom amid recall election

The Republicans wasted 200 million dollars on this recall effort, and 300 millions a day in Afghanistan, and they claim they are fiscally responsible too, their arguments are nonsensical, imagine what 200 million could have done hiring more cops at the same time investing in more social programs.
If I was the governor anywhere or the man in charge, I would have stopped government financial assistance unless those in need help give something back like, assisting the state the neighborhoods they live in by lending two three hours a day cleaning things up, they either give up two three hours a day for that financial assistance they seek or get nothing, do that and in no time you will have clean and nice streets everywhere, and it will also be educational very helpful for people to learn that you dont leave crap after you anywhere, the day before yesterday I saw a mother and her little son buying a soft drink for her son and 50 feets from where they bought it from they just left it (in the middle) of the sidewalk, just like that, she didnt even bother to putt it at the side of the sidewalk but right in the middle as if the sidewalk was a trashcan, I couldnt tell if she had a job or not, but if she was one of those in need of government assistance and helped out a few hours a day, she wouldnt have just left that in the middle of the sidewalk like that, and we are not asking for too much, just clean up outside your own homes your own neighborhoods, or get zero government assistance at all, it will work, because they will have no choice, if they want to eat and have a roof over their heads, they surly can lend out a few hours of their prestigious time, and after they have helped out cleaning up, they will feel better about themselves too, its good on many measures that I dont have to go into it all right now, the point is education, and education comes in many forms, one is cultural, and that can come with no costs and those with no formal education even thugs and homeless people can learn what cultural education means and how it can improve their living standards, but here is the thing, you need a lovable future governor like myself to do all these things :) who knows, perhaps one day I run for governor myself, who knows these things, but these are the things a governor any governor should do, wherever you are in the world right now, why wait, implement these measures and educate your people, dont give anything to them for free, make them plant trees, practical things, not sitting in a job office doing nothing for eight hours, there is time and place for that too, I believe if they feel better about themselves after they have put in two or three hours a day, perhaps two effective hours, then they will be more encouraged to seek something better like a real job, but if you waste peoples time at a job office which easily can turn into a kindergarten for adults you only mentally exhaust people and when they come home they will feel useless and mislabel, but if you make them feel better about the efforts they have put in they will soon seek something that is even better like a real job at the same time you have educated them not to leave their streets worse than they found it, but again you need government officials that are willing to risk their jobs to get these ideas through, with the right messaging people will stand behind such leaders, anyways, good luck.

Just VOT NO on the recall and we will take it from there.     
