Biden’s U.N. Speech Calls for Unity | The View

I think being Haitian and black has something to do with what happened but I think it is not the whole picture, I think public opinion when you see ten thousand refugees walk cross the border the images of that had more to do with what went on there more than the fact that they are Hattians and black, although being black had something to do with it too, I think if you saw ten thousand of some other race if they had walked over and gathered they way they did would have the same effect on public opinion too, it just doesnt look good on tv when that many refugees gather at one place and expect public opinion to be favorable, it wont. Now regarding the border patrol officers, I am trying to put myself in their shoes too, imagine you have such a stressful work that the only thing you see days on end is people unlawfully cross the border and your job you are hired to do is to stop it somehow, look it cant be easy even if you are the nicest guy in the world working in that kind of environment and it wont affect you mentally, its like being a police officer, driving around and all you see every moment on your work hours is pains of people, self inflicted or not, if you spend all your time watching and having to deal with all this misery, it will affect your own mental health in a bad way, it will turn you more cruel sometimes, less understanding, less tolerant, it can happen to the best of us, the job these border officers were hired to do is to stop people walking over, thats their job, and as I said, if you have to deal with it days on end, perhaps even I would turn a bit less tolerant, its easy for someone to sit behind their nice desks nicely dressed with no sun burring their skins sweating in the heat and being tired riding that horse all day long to also have little tolerance for those working in that kind of environment, sure the pictures we saw didnt look good, I agree on that, but what choices did they have, they were hired to do a job and they did it and to be honest, its not like they beat them in an inhuman way, I also feel for the refugees who had walked thousands of miles to get over the border with their families, here is the truth, they were fully aware of the risks, they accepted the risk, like we all do, I also took a risk myself, I knew it could have ended badly and trust me, many times it did, I was shot at, they tried to ram me over with a ship in the middle of nowhere out there, I went through horrific storms and in the end, it sank my boat, so we all took risks, we all lost something, we knew that would happen but we took the risk never the less, because we were desperate, so if anyone feel what it is like I know it very well, we also know that not always will it end up as planed, and its not like I feel fortunate now and disregard others in need, of course not, but I also know there are two sides in every story, one has to do with the refugeed and the other those who were hired to keep the border safe, both have rights, if it was up t me, I would have allowed ONLY families get a hearing and the youth and the healthy single men to be deported back home, but again, this problem will never end with refugees as long as their own countries in the south keep being so corrupt, today its the Hatians tomorrow are people from other countries, when will it end, how should it end, I have suggested that we should decriminalize all drugs and produce it and distribute it domestically as I have explained before, in this way, we would have solved our own problems and theirs too, but it feels like I am speaking to deaf ears here, this is the only way to save the continent, its the ONLY WAY !!!
