My friends !
There is one week left to get yourself and (anyone) you can, as many as you can to go and cast your vote for Gov Gavin Newsom, like any sports or competition you know that you dont take a leave before you have finally crossed the finish line, you dont easy up before you have crossed the line, afterwards you can take a breather and relax and enjoy your victory, look friends the horrific consequences of having a right winged radio talkshow host as your new governor will be liken nothing you have ever seen in any state politics, this one will top them all, its like having Alex Jones as your governor, savvy ?? California will turn into like the movie Escape from LA or something like that with a governor like that, we need stability not more chaos, if you havent seen it you dont want to see it trust me on this, things can always get lot worse, look many of us have some conservatives views on many things, but a far right radio talkshow host they are NOT conservatives, they are spokes men and women for some of the most EVIL mega corporations, these are the overlords these media personalities answers to, they are far from independent let alone conservatives so dont buy their arguments, they only thing they are good at is talking and thats it, thats all they are good at, to scare people to vote for them, you should do the opposite, vote for those with hope left, there is a week left, lets do this thing, and win thing too, its for the best, for now it is, every vote counts friends, EVERY !!! you alone wont be enough, you need to bring a few with you, buy them dinner after wards, take them to the movies, I heard the new Dune movie is spectacular ;) lets win this thing, I am counting on you, thank you :) 
