Candidates make last-ditch effort for support in California recall elect...

Larry Elder is one of those Africans in Africa whom helped the slave traders collect Africans to be shipped to America as properties of slave owners, he shouldnt be trusted with ANYTHING, he is such an Uncle Tom, a despicable person, I really hate him now, dont let him win this, VOTE HELL NO on the recall !!! dont sit this one out, you need to do the right moral thing here, a man with such views should never be trusted ever again, let him go back to his radio show and spew his hate for humanity here for those who are willing to hear him, he doesnt belong in the governors office, you know that and I know that, we all know that, this is man is corrupt t his spinal cord, he cant be trusted, its like saying Hitler shouldnt be put on trail and convicted for crimes against humanity when he enslaved people to do his bidding, if you are a true believer in God you know God doesnt like people like Larry Elder and what he stands for, you just know that, slave traders are all evil people, we must never ever encourage such rhetorics to get a foothold in society ever again, even entertaining the idea of giving slave owners owners of human beings reoperation for their lose "property" human beings that is something that should never be repeated, I thought God was our owner, not other men, but Larry Elder and Candis Owen believes differently, you know what to do, dont let him win, dont let people like him win thats all, vote against him !!!
