Citizens to Enforce Texas Abortion Law | The View

Ahh this is my good old View, nice to see all my ladies back around the table :) you all have gained some weight ladies, relax its a good sign it means everybody is doing well :) 
You are right, the Christian right many of them are hypocrites, for once many many of them are doing abortions themselves, many many of them have sex outside marriage in fact they preach one thing but act in a different way, and they too many of them are for endless wars when they know their representatives are full of SHIT with the propaganda they are feeding them, yet they accept the bs, the problem here is, they have been programmed that as long as they "believe" they will be saved from Gods wrath and punishments, they claim they are followers of Jesus yet they refuse to follow his teachings but follow Pauls teachings instead, they base their theology on one mans "visions" thats what their new religion is based on, on a mans vision, a vision that is contradictory of Jesus and what he preached, but we are not going into all that all over again here and now.
When it comes to abortion the middle path is what the way, of course its a sin to abort at any stage, its even a sin to have sex outside contract of marriage, because its a contract, anyone who breaks a contract is an unreelable person, and when you take God as your witness with this contract breaking it will bring nothing but more bad things, but God has left as always out of His mercy a way out for us, He sends the soul into the fetus after 90 days, a woman have then plenty of time to decide what to do by then, I have said this many times, so abortion at any stage is unreasonable and when it comes to insets and rape, again the woman have time to decide to keep it or not, you dont ho extremes in faith thats not the point of it if you choose to go to extremes you will end up at the far right or the far left of things and thats not a good place to find yourself in.
Anyways, miss Maghan too, I hope she is doin well with her little baby and the other things she is doing, I am doing good too, never felt better in my life, bullshit, but its all good.
