How Drugs Won the War on Drugs

Solve (this) issue and you have saved the world ! forget about another issue on you mind for instance, climate change, endless wars, high taxes, domestic social issues, solve this problem and you will have the recourses to very quickly and speedily take care of all these other problems at hand, but as long as you have corrupt politicians doing Pig Pharma's, I meant big pharma's bidding, they are the ones who are holding the whole planet and all its inhabitants hostage right now, its that simple folks, I am telling you, take care of this single issue and you have saved the whole world from further disaster, you wanna go to space, you want clean air and water, you want a healthy planet to live in and leave behind, you know what to do, and if you dont then you disserve to be the stupid useless free breather you are, I am not sorry to be this direct, but it is true, all you need to do is one thing and if you cant even do that then what good are you for, really, its so frustrating having the answer but speaking to deaf ears and not enough people listening but being distracted with other things, just because thats where they get their recognition from, its a intoxicating feeling I understand when you are on tv speaking on the issues handed over to you, but you are wasting everyone else time for your own personal 15 minutes of fame, when you could have used that to do the real stuff, and if you did that the issues you burn for like climate change would have been taken cared of so much quicker too, because in this way, you would have had the resources to take care of that at the same time lowering taxes, two would have killed two flies with one stroke, and who wouldnt cheer for that, who wouldnt support that, you would have people on the right and the left and all peoples in the center to join you, because you would have satisficed them all, give them all what they seek, its an easy fix, all you need is the right kind of people in office, make this demand from them, and if they dont respond positively, vote for their opponents, dont support them, we must do this folks, we have to solve this issue on our own somehow, with Gods help we will.  
