Is Televised Therapy Valuable or Voyeuristic? | The View

Since we are talking reality shows and therapy, I have lived in a reality show basically all my life (and) without being aware of it, some say my show is the first and the oldest one, but I would disagree, I would say, humans living on this planet is the actual the first reality show ever, thats where the origin of all reality shows comes from, the fact that we all are living in a reality show for (others) to watch and follow what will eventually happen to us here on this planet, now going back to my own life story which many have followed for decades, I remember as a kid moving to Sodom (Sweden), from the day I was forced moved there, those bastards tried to have me in therapy sections, dont ask me why but they tired and tried to push me into one of those programs telling me that I was crazy and that I needed help, even as a kid, they were such evil sons of bitches, anyways, but I also think its a cultural thing, because even as a kid the idea to sit there sharing my thoughts with a stranger or even not only a stranger but to my so called family members, it was more than taboo for me, hell no I wouldnt talk to anyone about how I felt about things, many of you think I am sharing alot and talking too much about just about anything, in reality I am never sharing real stuff, only the superficial stuff, societal political religious stuff but never my deepest thoughts, I couldnt do it as a kid and I would still never do it, I can give you an example, for instance I never told anyone in my life that I love someone, never done that, now you figure out the rest how I function, I am not saying I never will but I am not the kind of person who would even share that in many peoples minds a word of feeling like telling someone that you love them, loving someone is too deep to express, unless you do love someone that is, so you can figure out that if one cannot share or express a word like that he or she wouldnt share many things let alone sitting with a shrink and telling them how you really feel about things, again I think it could be a cultural thing, at least for me, and its ironic because a person like me who never shares his real feelings has being living in a reality show all his life being analyzed from head to toe, and I can say this much which I have said many times before, those involved in this conspiracy WILL come to pay a personal a very high price for this, they and their families, this will NEVER be forgiven, I can share one example how and when they went too far those sadistic child molesting luciferians, in Sodom from all the drugs they were pumping in me, I developed eczema its gone now fully but then I had it, dry skin really, and at one time I even got dry skin around my asshole, it was so annoying as you can imagine, pain in the ass really lol so I had to go to the clinic to check it out, because I couldnt stand it anymore, and guess what happened there, there were this Palestinian doctor and a young Sodomies (Swedish) girl in my own age, the thing was that I knew I had seen her ugly demonic face from somewhere before but at that time I couldnt place her from where, I know now, and from the moment I entered the clinic this Arab Palestinian doctor had such hatred towards me it was unbelievable, again imagine me, you enter this state run hospital and the two people there hated your guts from the moment you stepped in and you didnt knew why that is, all you see is that these two monkeys hated you for some reason, I quickly recognized that that bitch the girl was not a physician at all, she didnt knew shit from shit sort of speak, while this Palestinian doctor was sucking up to her as if she was royalty or something, the contrast of how he treated me and her was over the top, he basically bowed down to her and if she wanted he would have killed me right there, I noticed that this girl first of all didnt belong there, she never had been there and everything was a first for her too, I explained to the doctor that my asshole is hurting lol lol and the monkey told me to pull my pants down so he could take a look at it, after convincing myself why I came over there to begin with, because I didnt want to show my asshole to a even a doctor if I dont have to, but found the strength and pulled it down, layed down on the bed over there for that rat bastard to take a look at my glory hole, you gotta do what you got a do right, anyways, and guess who was more interested in my asshole of these two rat bastard, that bitch girl, she basically had her face inches from my asshole, and you want to hear a funny thing, that day it was a very hot sunny day, I had my jeans on I had walked around all day and I guess my asshole was sweaty and smelled like crap and this bitch couldnt have enough of having her face right into it all, lol its not actually funny its a sad story really, after that Palestinian made some snide remarks around my asshole and gosh he hated me for some reason, I later found out why it was, this whore girl was not a doctor, she was actually because I remembered her face when I came back home, she was one of their elites from one of those luciferian families who had turned my life into a living hell in Sodom, because I was under constant surveillance that whole had ordered the hospital and its director to give her access to my employment with the doctor who happened to be a Palestinian, and what I learned why he hated me that much was because of what that whore had told him, programmed him with, I can only guess what she had brainwashed him with, that I am a Persian Jew a Shia or whatever and many times its all it takes for an Arab to hate you, I guess, I am sure she told him other things too, I am sure she had told him that I am anti Arab or that I hate Palestinians, the thing is, these Luciferians know what to tell each individual even from polar opposite sides to hate me, they go and tell the Jews that I hate them, so a dumb Jew hearing this would naturally hate me, I am sure they are now telling folks that I hate America too for that matter, that I want to collapse the system here too, again they know what to tell to each party and fill them with hatred towards me, thats what they do these sick sons and daughters of whores and bastards, these pedophile child molesting luciferians, I dont blame that Arab Palestinian doctor that much, I want to draw your attention towards that sick Swedish whore, think of how sick in your head you have to be to to leave your daily chores behind to come down to have a look at my or some ones asshole at close, what interest is there for her to even not leaving my asshole to be, it says alot about you, you must be one sick daughter of a whore and a faggot father, wouldnt you think that that bitch had been sexually molested herself ?? sure she must have been, look listen friends, I have lived with these sick bastards all my life, and when I say they are child molesting pedophiles who dont even have mercy towards their own children boys or girls trust me, I know what I am talking about, a common thing among these luciferians is, their mothers have sexually molested their boys and their fathers molested their daughters, its a common thing I have seen it hundreds of times, and if you looked at her face this Swedish whore, you would never suspect she is one sick fuck, they look so innocent these rats, I can promise them this, I wont rest till I get YOU, be sure of that, your deeds will come to light, I will get you one day no matter what it takes, you ARE WILL go down deep under, I wont let you be, just so you know, and I also blame the Swedish state and its government and the mollas responsible for this, those Shia mollas, all you Luciferians will share the same fate, this is a promise.
Its an institutional problem we have over here, these rats have infiltrated all aspects of governments all its agencies and they think they can do whatever the hell they want, but I promise you all this, this filth will end with their defeat, a total defeat, I am gonna win, like always :) justice will come for you, you sick rats.
I have many other stories to tell, but I dont want to upset more of you friends, I know many of you have gone through the same thing as I have and even worse, I know how you feel, my cause is your cause, and we will with Gods help have justice, He has promised us this and I believe that, so just keep calm and carry on ! ;)
