Is Televised Therapy Valuable or Voyeuristic? | The View

I had to take a coffee break, I have more to say, many times I think the CCP are taking lessons from America how to safeguard their society with banning reality shows banning excessive gaming for kids and some of the other things they are implementing because they are watching and see how it is degrading cultures here in the west and they are smart enough to and realize if they want to come on top of things, they shouldnt fall like we are over here, yes we are falling and you know why, but dumb people here still insist that their way is the way, calling it personal freedoms, of course CCP will also fall because they are in many respects extremes as we are here, because both sides are doing it wrong, the whole idea of reality shows is based on we watch people in pain and take pleasure in it, thats what it is all about subconsciously, its sick and its making the whole world sicker by the day, and some of you idiots say I and causing the fall of Rome, no YOU are ! but I guess its easier to project your own short comings on others, but it still doesnt change the fact of reality, look what are we told in the Book of Revelation, people of the world are drunk from the fornication of Babylon the Great (America) and am I to blame for this is or is it of your own doing, its your entertainment industry that have made the world sick and you sicker than anyone else, but go ahead keep blaming me for it, Rome is destroying itself from within, and your arrogance and the military power you have makes you think that no one can harm you, that is there is no power on earth that can make you fall, but Scripture is telling you how it will go down, hate me further for reminding you of what is told in your own book, the only thing remaining to say is this, you either change your ways or lose everything, you have to repent and turn to the One Creator, and maybe He will be merciful and save some of you, you heard it from me, it is the truth.
If you now are an artist a song writer a singer, make songs about the good things, now what is promoted right now all over the airwaves, grow a pair and do what is expected from you and never ever pay any attention to the perverted ones, over shadow them with your better talent, if you loved your people your country and wants to save what will remain of it, get to work right now !!! 
