Islamism is a 'first-order security threat' says Tony Blair

Why is this lying criminal not in prison yet ?? United Nations should prosecute him for lying over and conspiring  which led to the deaths of millions of people, you have prosecuted other war criminals, why not Tony Blair ?? this is why nobody have any confidence in the institutions any longer when car criminals like him are allowed to continue with what they have been doing all this time. 
A special place is reserved in Hell for Tony Blair, he sold out to the Devil, he sold out this short life the wordily for the eternal, in his case eternal in Hell, he and his witch wife of his :)
You see I have spoken with many high level Luciferians in my life, and unlike these lower level foot solders, the top level Luciferians also do believe in Hell and Paradise, what the Devil and his little devils have convinced these idiots is that Hell is not as bad as described, these top level Luciferians believe the more evil they commit here in this life they will be given a higher "position" in Hell next to their master where things are a bit better than other parts of Hell, and there they will be forever and shill, this is what they believe these idiots, but only if they knew that the Devil their master will end up at the lowest parts the most horrific parts of Hell where his suffering and screams will be so loud it will echo all over Hell for all to hear how their master is suffering these idiot Luciferians would never had been this stupid do kill millions of people here, Hell is a place of suffering, from what I know is, even at the calmest level, when you end up there in your mind you wouldnt imagine a worse place to be at, but you are of course wrong, a level lower will be even more horrific, if you now can just imagine where the Devil and his loyal idiots will be at lol yeah :) and this is where YOU Tony Blair will end up at, you are seventy years old you bastard, you might be around for another twenty or so, or sooner, God willing, just so you know, there is no repentance for you no redemption this will be your hellhole you will soon be sent to, rest assured of that, then you will know who your Lord is, you glorified monkey and its nothing you can do about it, see if your master the Devil can help you, just so you know, your master the Devil is nothing but a tinier a speck under his Lord the Creator, He will soon let you all know whom the true Master of the Universe and creation is, He has plans for YOU !!! you are in so much trouble you just dont know it yet :)
