Khazars: History of the Jewish Turkic Nomads

Jesus spoke about those who say they are Jews but are not, there are no blond blue eyed white Hebrews, the Ashkenazis are not Hebrews, they are Khazars, and Khazars are a mix of Slavic and north Caucasus central Asian tribes, the Sephardic Jews are Hebrews, in fact the Palestinians are more Jews than Ashkenazis are, look it doesnt mean Ashkenazis are bad people or anything in those lines, of course not, there are good and crazy people amongst them like the rest of us, but the fact still remain, they are NOT Hebrews, perhaps they have a little bit Hebrew blood in them but as many of you know, the Ashkenazis almost never marry and mix with Sephardic Jews, even in Israel, its common knowledge, look until some time ago, like 120 years ago, basically no Jews Ashkenazis or Sephardics spoke Hebrew, Hebrew was a forgotten language, only after the creation of the state of Israel the creators of that state understood that, if they want some legitimacy they need to reconnect to the old roots and then they started to teach some of their citizens how to speak Hebrew, even today the primary language of the Jews is Yiddish and not Hebrew, look friends, tribes and peoples immigrate from places to another sometimes in large numbers and then they mix with the indigenous people where they move to, I can give you many examples, the Turks of Turkey, they are also a mix of many people, they are not an ancient people from that area, they are a mix of also central Asiatic people like Mongols and east European and some Arab blood, the Pashtuns, they are primarily Arabic people, some time ago a huge numbers of Arabs from the Arab peninsula moved east wards and then settled in what is today Pakistan and Afghanistan, they moved right through Persia and settled where they are today, the Pashtuns are Arabs, the Hebrews are also Arabic people, they are Semites, their father was Prophet Abraham, an Iraqi, his son Isaack was the first one to move from what is today Iraq to Canaan, and some of the Zionist Christian pastors are lying to their followers that, before Isaack moved to Canaan nobody lived there, let me ask you this, have there ever been a place on earth there people didnt inhabit ?? especially so very close to the first human settlements like in Canaan, of course not, its very stupid to believer these lying so called holy men, they are lying to you, but if you are dumb enough to wanting to believe them, be my guest, be stupid all you want, the Kurds are also a mix of many races, the true ancient people are, Semites and Persians then God as Scripture tells us, and I believe is true that He mixed us up into many races and scattered us around the world, we moved on our own, some moved to east and became the east Asians and some moved west wards and became the Europeans some became Africans but it all started in the Middle East, and my understanding is that the early Egyptians were black Africans, then the Semites moved in and out populated them, God said to Prophet Abraham that He will make a great nation from his family line, and He did, you dont have to believe in any of this, the fact remains, tribes move around sometimes in huge numbers and settle far away from where they originated from, you all know the story of the 600 000  Hebrews migrating from Egypt to Canaan, 600 000 people were alot of people back then, it still is today but back then it made a bigger impact, you all know how the Hebrews came to Egypt, the first Hebrew family was the family of Prophet Jacob, who is also known as Israel, Israel is a title and nothing else !! he and his twelve sons and their families were the first ones who moved from Canaan to Egypt, and with in a short period of time they had grown from 60 Hebrews to 600 000 strong, like here in America, how many Europeans moved and settled here, it happened then and it is happening today, even today the Afghans, they have much Hebrew blood in them, you can basically say, Afghans are more Semites than anything else, then you have Hazari Afghans, they are more of a central Asiatic Turkish heritage, I like the Hazaris, they are good people very nice people, where you originate from and come from has no meaning, what matter is your life choices because once we were one race of people, and after this life we will go back to that original state, it is what it is, and its the truth.
