Man Gets Shot As He Walks Toward The LAPD Officers With A Knife

I have been watching videos on this channel and what you see here is a true reflection of how the work environment looks like for police officers, out in the real life, the have the most difficult job in society, cant think of many worse jobs and mentally demanding and also truly dangerous jobs there is, I am thinking, and I would judge myself a very very stable calm person, mentally stupendously superior, three four five levels above Mr Trump, and I think, if even a person like myself had to deal with that these police officers are dealing with on daily basis, with see nothing but peoples many pains and sufferings and at times being tested with life and death situations when you stop a suspect not knowing of the person would pull a gun on you and unleash, how would a work environment like that affect me, and I am supremely cool guy, I would never want to hurt people but having a work environment that requires to be suspicious and doubtful of everyone you pull over or even have to respond to a call where a suspect is threatening others have to think in those lines constantly makes the best of us change from a good trusting person to something else, these police officers have the most difficult jobs, and having watched many many of these videos by now, I say raise their wages for Gods sake, look I have watched and observed many scenarios where police is responding to a call, where some kind of weapon is seen in the hands of a suspect, and I havent seen a single case where (after) police is come to a scene and there after the suspect goes back and pick up a weapon, what I have seen is, every single time police arrive, the suspect is already carrying a weapon of a sort, and some of these defund the police people are suggesting, less police and more negotiators are needed to defuse the situation, as if that would have worked, I think these police officers are doing a very good job trying to call these loonies down who (already) are caring some kind of weapon, and 95% of the time they will use the weapon, or charge at people and officers, and you critics say, having less police on the scene would have made a loony not charging people, would you truly think having less officers armed just in case would have made things safer, safer for whom ?? I would have want more officers on scene and not less, thats for sure, and think about it, lets say you critics are right, and you have one or two officers far away from the scene not to provoke the loonies far away enough not to be able to respond quickly and the loony attacks and kills someone, if you are a sound minded politician  you know the public out cry after one or two of these incidents would be a compelling case to terminate your proposals and discredit you forever, thats what would happen, and this is why I also oppose your foolish ideas, you need more cops not less and if it was up to me I would raise their wages too, but I would have not stopped there, I think we must put more pressure on the police chiefs instead, I would suggest, every time a police officer gets convicted for wrong doing, he or she must get fired and never have the opportunity to work in law enforcement in the whole country ever again and the police chief has to resign, implement these three ideas with both rewards for the officers by raising their wages and if they do something so outrageous so that they get convicted, both them and their police chief has to pay some kind of consequences, after looking a many of these videos where a suspect is chasing a police officer with a knife, I am very critical that the suspect get shot too many times, I would suggest a bullet or two in the leg would stop a charging suspect lot quicker than shooting them several time sin the upper body, neutralize the legs and they will fall on the spot and you havent killed a soul, it much more effective to stop someone shooting them in the legs than their upper bodies, even one bullet would fall the strongest man on the spot, I have seen strong men fall after one single bullet in their legs, they fall on the spot, after a meter, but if you had shot them in the upper body they would still have chased you half a mile, so please think of this next time a dangerous person chases you with a knife, if they carry a gun then you have no choice to do what you have to do.
I want to say to these officers, I feel you guys, people are crazy society is sick and its up to the politicians to find the cure, but dont hold your breath relying on these on both left and the right, they are both right and at the same time wrong, on basically everything, the cure is to heal society and as long as these politicians are lobbying for higher ups, you know nothing will ever change, more guns in the hands of people less guns in the hands of people is not the answer, there will be always be more than enough of handguns in society for these crimes to never end, I have the answer, I will tell you later, I have mentioned it many times before, but I will speak more later, right now I have a good movie I want to rewatch, Free Guy, highly recommended ;) watched it last night, gonna watch it second time again tonight, have a nice evening.
