Monica Lewinsky Examines Cancel Culture in Documentary, Part 2 | The View

I personally blame Monica more than Bill to be honest, first of all she was a grown woman by then so lets not minimize her grasp of what she did, she used her body to seduce a man, thats what women do, they know what they are doing and they do it with that in mind, so lets not kid ourselves, she knew he was married she knew men are weak that way and she used a mans weakness against him and he fell for it like many many men do, Bill share some of the blame too but Monica conspired as a grown woman so in my view she should bear more of the blame than Bill, because she instigated the conspiracy, I see it as a conspiracy and a sinful one too, you dont mess around with married people, you just dont do that whether you are a man or a woman, and statistically speaking, women go after married men more than men go after married women, its just a fact folks, women seduce men more than men seduce women, women use their beauty as a weapon, so lets be clear about that, men especially married men shouldnt fall for it but many times we do, we fall, how would you ladies feel if a younger woman target your husbands ?? you would both blame your own husbands but if you would be honest and rational, you would be more angry at the other woman a bit more, just a bit more, and if your own husbands were in a position of power, you know some women would try to go after your men in those kinds of cases, they are at high risk of cheating on you, because you know other women are after them to trap them, so who is more to blame if something goes wrong in those kind of situations, I would say those who conspire, they are more to blame than those who fall for the tricks, just a bit more, if the person in question falls once you can forgive them but if it happens more than once, then it means they have learned nothing from the lesson, the way I see it, if the woman or the man gets what they are entitled by their spouses then if they cheat anyway then there are no excuses, but if there is too much trouble at home if you then fall once then that would be considered something else, but if everything is fine and yet you break deal then you are a loser no matter how you look at it, then it shouldnt be any chances to be forgiven, anyway, thats the way I see it.
