My Fox News Best Bits - Trump & O’Reilly On Tour!

After 400 years of Africans in America the white Republican leadership still doesnt know how to deal and treat them with respect because as they say, they are unknown to us, 'we are afraid to make a mistake'.
As I have stated before, racism is (the) original sin, when God created Adam and instructed all angels and the Unseens (the interdimensional beings) which the Devil whom we call him today Eblis to bow down before Adam this new creation, all obeyed but Eblis and some from his kind and responded ' I am better than he (Adam), Thou created me from fire something more prestigious and him from clay' what this arrogantly fool Eblis knew but disregarded was the fact that, sure Adam was created from clay (atoms) but the soul in him was something much more prestigious than the soul Eblis had in him, and we know the believers that eventually its the soul that matters and not the physical, because one day even the Universe will end as it was created, and that would be a definitive end of all physical, but life continues elsewhere, and our Creator whom is (All Powerful) will come to separate between the good and constructive and those who conspire to destroy, which O'Reilly will go to, Hell ! there he will not find a single moment to conspire further, there he will find no rest to conspire, there his mind will only be occupied with the suffering he is experiencing.
The point I am making is, the same sickness in Eblis the Devil is the exact sickness he has inflicted too many here on this planet with too, racism (is) the original sin, if you harbor this in your heart, even the slightest, you are doomed to fail, because you havent got the main point yet, and I have to say this too, there are as many black racists as white ones, Eblis and his devils does not discriminate in this regard, he is the enemy of all of us, and you as a black person havent get the point by now, you are doomed as the white racists are or racists from any race for that matter, race shouldnt be a factor. the real issues are usually on the surface, dont make things about race or fall lower than you have already fallen, a fallen one like Eblis and his devils, he should be a prime example of what you should stand on the opposite against, not like him, because that disgraced fired fool is doomed and he knows it, he is going down.   
