Netanyahu says Hitler didn't want to kill the Jews, but a Muslim convinc...

Satanyahu is the curse of God upon the Jewish people and the likes of him, ask yourselves this, did Satanyahu bring blessings and peace for the Jewish people or did he bring miserly, just the tree from its fruits, this little devil Satanyahu is as corrupt and evil as it comes, he is a deceiver a liar, the Nazis and Hitler went to Al Hussaini in Palestine to stand beside him Hitler and the fool to a certain degree did so, Al Hussaini never agreed to exterminate the Jews, in fact there were many Jews in Palestine who lived in peace with the Palestinians with no problems for centuries, all the animosity started when the Nazis and their allies in the west forced millions of Jews to migrate to Palestine and force the Palestinians out of their homes, the Nazis and their allies instigated all troubles for both the Jews and the Arabs you see today because before that, they lived in harmony for as long as we remember, this is why the rabbis of the Jews 95% of them opposed the creation of the state of Israel, first of all its unbiblical thats what the Jews were taught to believe till their messiah comes but the atheist Jews and the unbelieving corrupt rabbis the less than 5% of them programmed the Jews who had gone through hardships in the West to accept this new unbiblical state of Israel to seek shelter in, and today again ask yourselves this, did little devils like Satanyahu brought this peace or not, wouldnt have been better for the Jews after WW2 to migrate back to Palestine bought land in a fair manner and settled there right next to their Arab cousins, if they had done that, you wouldnt have had any of these problems today, they could have created their own peaceful democratic state and lived in peace like they always had done, but this is not the case today, they moved in by force they never acted biblical, Satanyahu is NOT a well wisher for his people, he is a curse for them, and the sooner the Jews realize this fact the sooner the curse will be lifted, they will realize what I have said here one day, they will come to the fact that I was right all along and Satanyahu was wrong, and a loser.   
