Nigel Farage: America is 'isolated' and 'friendless' under Biden

If by friends Nigel Forgery Farage means the military industrial complex of his country Britain we dont need friends like that, if you ask the World Citizens if they agree with the US pulling out of Afghanistan more than 95% would agree on that, so what friends is Nigel Forgery Farage means other than one of the most untrusted unpopular and disliked war criminals of our time, Nigel Forgery Farage would love for the US to waste 300 million dollars a day on something his country Britain have experienced TWICE getting defeated in Afghanistan, as long as he is getting recognition and paid to keep on war monger as dumb and hateful as he is he will continue because after all its not him or his offsprings who go over there and risk their lives for nothing but to enrich the war industry, here is the paradox that baffles me with these right wingers, they are for invading and waging wars everywhere but mainly against defenseless countries at the same time they fanatically oppose immigration from these same countries these refugees come from, something they cannot prevent, I remember in the middle school we were playing football outside and in the middle of the grass field one of my class mates (an idiot) happened to step on this pile of dog shit, I was right next to him, what he did was something that made me think of Nigel Forgery Farage and people like him, my class mate right after he stepped on the dog shit, he took his shoes off  to shake it off or something and I wear to you all, the dumb bastard stepped on the same dog shit with his socks, I mean it looked so funny, taking your shoes off and step on the same shit with his socks lol the reason for his stupidity was, this idiot wanted to throw the shit on passing team players and he was so busy to choose a class mate running by to throw the shit on him he got distracted and stepped on the same shit himself, talk about karma lol you might not believe what happened next, he took his socks off and what do you know, this time he stepped on the same shit barefooted, three times he stepped on the same shit lol, another story around this idiot Gypsy class mate of mine, one time he asked me to follow up to his apartment his home to sell this car stereo to his father who bought stolen goods, they were Romanies what do you expect, anyways, so the son this friend of mine asked me to follow him to his home and I did, I was eleven years old, while up there he sold the stereo to his father whos name is Pomerange, it means orange lol Gypsies have funny names, I knew a Gypsy whos name was Dollar, not kidding, they name their offsrings Mercedes, Cologne, Versace, Channel, Bugatti, I am not kidding, you who know the Romanies you know I am speaking the truth here, now back to the story with this kid, after he sold the stereo to his father, of course his father didnt trust his son the stereo worked as advertised lol so he had to go down to the garage to install it in his Mercedes and so we did, sure thing the devise worked and the son got his money and with that we went he and I and bought burgers with it and played pinball machines, you wont believe what happened next, after the money was gone, what he suggested to me I couldnt believe, he suggested we went to the garage break in his own fathers Mercedes steal the same stereo and sell it back to his father lol I swear to God its true, I sad I didnt want anything to do with it, but I said I would keep watch while he did it and I said I didnt want to go up to the apartment to sell the same stereo to his father, I said I would wait outside, so we went to steel the same stereo he a couple of hours earlier to his father and after doing so he alone went up to their house and this time, for some reason his father trusted him and gave him the money without testing the device first, dont ask me how but thats how it happened, and once again we went and wasted it on candy and pinball machines.
All this reminds me of conmen like Nigel Forgery Farage, these people have no shame.
The same kid five or so years later, we were fifteen or so, this time his father had bought a newer Mercedes, nothing too fancy but the father liked it alot, I remember him polishing his white Merc with such affection, anyways, this time this friend of mine, forged his fathers signature and sold his fathers car to another guy lol I remember his father was chasing him with a machete around the neighborhood and it was a scene I tell you, everybody was watching what would happen next, lol how it ended up with this idiot later in his adult years he got addicted to heroin, needless to say, it never ends up well for people of such nature.    
