Republican Senator shreds United States' 'haphazard' handling of Afghani...

This US born Afghan American young lady had a month to contact the proper authorities to leave the county but she didnt for some reason, whos fault is that she didnt even go to the airport, and btw, one crustal you at Fox disinformation News are not mentioning is the fact that, the gate to get in to the airport were that suicide bomber blew up himself up was in the control of the British and NOT the Americans, they were in charge of that, it was their responsibility not to let the masses go on unchecked, where the Americans were in charge everyone was checked, the Brits let the gate stay open, they share the blame, but the State Department cannot openly put the blame on an ally for their mishandling of the situation, and YOU at Fox news are so shameless that you dont report that, you rather blame your own government for political purposes, how un patriotic you are, you cant even report the truth, you constantly lie, you are not trustworthy, spare me the bs, yes I spelled it right this time lol suckers ;) Gov Gavin Newsom is gonna win :):) we dont want a rightwinged unexperienced talkshow host run the state, people here havent lost their minds to that degree.
