Shamima Begum wants to help catch jihadis & fight terror as Boris is clu...

I think in cases like these and I have seen I dont know how many, must be in the hundreds the parents are to blame for what they turned their children in to, its a parenting issue, the children are victims here, I would suggest if she have truly regretted what she had done and lets be fair here, she was only 15 when she took off, she have had already lost a couple of her children because of the situation she put herself through, I believe she is damaged by what she have experienced but if she gets fully vetted and if it come to light that she is no longer a threat to anyone and if she can help other girls realize taking the extremists side is never a good way if she can be helpful educating people on these issues then I think she should be allowed to come back and reverse what damage she has caused, I understand people dont want to put efforts and recourses in her as for now but if she can be of good use then why not, being of good use is always a good thing but like anything else, she should just be allowed to come back and be of no good use, she must work towards preventing other girls to become what she had become, her way back must come with firm and strict conditions, she has to work herself back into society, otherwise prison time for life or get sent back, she must swear to God that she has changed and and she must write it down on paper as a contract and if she breaks it then no more chances, so vet her see if she has repented changed and that she want to be of good use, then let her come back and put her to work.   
