πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ͺ Sweden - Prime Minister Addresses United Nations General Debate, 76th...

I am not blaming you personally, I dont know how much you personally were involved in what went on in my case while I was in your country, but I do blame the institutions and those governing over it, make no mistake over it I do, the way I see it, those involved in this conspiracy against will be held accountable they will face curse of law and if the law of rule means nothing to your country, I will hold your whole country accountable for what your country did to me, there is no way around it, no way, not as long as I live, I will never ever rest till I get justice, and I predict, I will in time be the ruler of billions of people all around the world, and how will your system escape the wrath of billions of people when they ask for justice, I will say this again, I do like the Swedish people like any other people, and I know you as well as you know yourselves, I am also aware of when the devil fill not only your people but other peoples with lies about me, it affects people in a negative way, the devils know what to say for any people to turn against me, this is what they do, and they are rather good at it, people fall for their lies and conspiracies, so my battle is not just against your people but for the souls of ALL peoples, but the fact still remain, I spent 32 years of my life in your country and amongst your people, in your system, and you failed me, and a price was to be paid for this, there is no way around it, I swear by God when I say this, this is NOT only about me personally, I have seen countless of those I grew up with in your country suffering from the same conspiracies pulled against me, I was the only the one who never lost faith while others did, and I dont blame them too much, the conspiracies were complex and great, and people failed. I do not blame those who blamed as much as those who pulled it, but when I hear YOU say your country is following the rule of laws of justice and human right, you know you are speaking full of shit, I understand you are the prime minister the representative of your country, but when you stand there in front of the world and way your country is innocents, you better than any one know you are NOT speaking the whole truth, because I would testify against your statements, I have the evidence, and I WILL come to light with my testimony, your country owes me !!!
