"The Wire" Star Michael K. Williams Passes Away At 54

You all have heard me talk about God the soul and many things in this nature, the reason for this is because I have experience in these topics I have talked about and addiction to opioids is unfortunately one of these issues I have dealt with, to quite addiction to drugs like opioids which affects mainly not your mental health but your physical being, it gets lot worse when your physical body is addicted to some substance, you might think the mental part is harder to deal with but the physical is more difficult when it comes to opioids, but thats not the whole story, as we know the physical affects the mind too to a large degree, in my case I tried a couple of time to quite, and each time I tried I got better at it, at the end I got into my bed suffered for three four days like you have never suffered before and then its out of your system, physically after that you have to start working on the mental part of it, again in my case I had God in my mind constantly, I didnt want to disappoint Him, it was to Him I wanted to prove that I could take my self out of this mess, I more than anything wanted to do it for Him, an addict have not much regards for himself, if they had they wouldnt take that shit to begin with, it all starts innocently and naively then before you know it you get addicted to it, physically more than anything, but to quite you need to do and find a couple of things, one is more self respect if you lack it then you have to do it for someone else, and whom can it be better for than God whom sees everything and know everything and if you do it for Him, rest assured, He will respond to you, but He also have stated that the first step must be by our own self and if you have your mind in the right place He will help you long the way, but you have to show the will that you truly want to end this and start over, the reason I said you need to do it if not for yourself first but for someone else and whom better than the Creator is, if you have any reasonable sense of mind you know you dont want to disappoint Him, its just a no no, an absolute no no, there are things you just dont take for granted, if you do you are doomed for life, and many never get this point and get doomed for life, this is how it works, another advice I can offer is, just lock yourself up in your bed with a strong mind knowing that you have four days of suffering but then it will get better, after that you need some family support, I never had that, I did it on my own, in fact those around me back then those illwishers only tried to make things harder for me, but if you have family, you are an idiot if you cant do it with their support and help, then you are a spoiled child regardless how old you are, another thing you need to do is to cut contact with those friends who are even close to that kind of shit, if you have to walk alone for the rest of your life, it would still be worth it, but that rarely happens, so you have all the opportunities to get back on your feets, dont be a man child, accept a few days of suffering like the rest of us and you will be alright, God willing, good luck :)
May he rest in peace, I really liked him too, I got sad when I heard the news of his passing, may God accept his soul, amen. 
