Top Generals Contradict Biden on Afghanistan, Part 1 | The View

Lets not forget the fact that president Trump made the deal of the century the continuation of it that is, with the Talibans to release over 5000 Talibans and other jihadis and you wonder why the Talibans took over Afghanistan that quickly ?? c mon lets be fair her, President Biden inherited this mess and finally he put an end to it, and on the argument that we need to spend 300 million dollars a day to "keep an eye" on China from Afghanistan, are you telling me that there are no other much cheaper alternatives to do that without spending 300 millions a day on this, c mon lets be fair again, I will tell you why the Europeans are so pissed off the pullout, because they were making tens of millions a day from the 300 millions a day we spent there, thats why they are crying over, over lost revenues, US tax payers hard earned money, the Europeans are seeing us here as suckers and Rupert Swindleduck and his Fox News are echoing what the foreigners the actual globalists are making sure people here fall for, they want your money !! now you know ladies and all friends out there. 
