Why is Antisemitism Still Around? | Antisemitism, Explained | Unpacked

One reason why anti Semitism still exist today is because people like Bill Maher whom I agree on some issues is so bigoted so disingenuous hateful really out of his arrogance with some of statements he spew macerating it behind "comedy" in his monologues, I have seen him time after time trash talking Muslims (as a group) painting Islam and Muslims as a group a bunch of lunatics and the frustrating thing is, he knows what he is presenting is a collection of falsehoods with no regards to the actual picture of reality, sure there are loonies in all groups of people never the less his own Zionist Jewish atheistic group but he never mention that, he instead likes to present all Muslims the 2 billion of them and their belief as something backwards and primitive, then he goes on to and here is why he is helping other races to hate Jews with presenting his own Ashkenazi groups as the smartest people ever lived, last week or the week before I was watching him talking about the water crisis, he mentioned that because Jews are so smart the smartest people ever lived they managed to build water treatment plants to purify sea water into freshwater, then he went on to say ' there are Jews here in America too why cant we do it here' as if every other Americans are dumb and we need him and the Jews of America to save the country from these other dumb races these free breathers, what he doesnt mention is, if America didnt sent 30 billion anually to Israel to sustain itself, sure we could have built these water plants too if we wanted, so please dont get me started with counter arguments here, because he wont like what will come his way and people like him who think Jews are the smartest people ever lived, with rhetorics like this and you wonder why anti semitisms still exist, and Bill Maher is far far from the only Jew who think they are greatest gift to mankind, apparently millions of Jews do share this stupid belief, look let me end this argument with this, if the Jews are the smartest people alive, then how come God punished them more than any other race in creation ? case closed, its a valid argument unlike Bill Mahers unfounded stupid arguments he makes from time to time, people of Scripture would agree with me because in all Abrahamic holy scriptures we all share the same stories, and the Jews are the most punished people ever lived, and these scriptures tell us why, not my words, their own words.
Some of these arrogant Jews specially the atheist ones, because they are the most arrogant of them all, the true believers amongst them they are reasonable folks because they believe in Scriptures and the lessons learned there, the atheist ones like Bill Maher what they are doing damaging the image of the rest of the Jewish population is what is causing anti semitism, but blind and deaf as they are these big mouths they dont realize what they are causing, and somebody amongst themselves should remind them of their stupidity.
And Bill ! you are not a Hebrew, you are an Ashkenazi, you are not a Jew, you are hateful a racist and fake buddy.
