Will the Texas Abortion Ban Backfire? | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)

Republican philosophy is based on, death is good but only for the neighbor not for themselves, because when the self inflicted trouble visit themselves then they become the biggest hypocrites in the whole neighborhood, you all know they smoke weed as much as anyone out there, they have sex outside marriage like anyone, they visit abortion clinics when they screw up as much as anyone, I suggest next time anyone enters an abortion clinic they must show how they voted, republican or democrat, and if they voted republican they shouldnt be given assistance with abortion, see if they like it then, I am not advocating for abortion or a total ban for it, I have chosen the middle path, I follow science and faith, and both are saying a fetus is considered a developed human being after 90 days, and it all sounds very reasonable to me what both faith based scriptures tells us and what science confirm, what I dont like are the extremists on both sides of the argument, those who wants to ban abortion at any stage and those who are for it at any stage, I think both sides are absolute total loonies and out of their minds, there has to be a middle ground people both of faith and those with no faith but in science to agree on a path forward, I think this would go long way if people just came back to their senses and stopped listening to those who are trying to run the agenda on both sides for political reasons, let me remind you friends that, your faith leaders are more politicians than faith leaders, you should come in terms with these facts, its true, politics and self interest run their agenda and faith has little to do with that they say and do and try to get you believe too, politics is first then perhaps a little bit of faith, personally when things gets this deluded, faith becomes no only secondary but faith and what they propose becomes anti faith, anti religion, anti scripture, anti anything that is good and sustainable and thats when things falls apart completely as you can see, when extremists takes over thats when nothing makes sense anymore.   
