World’s largest carbon dioxide sucking factory opens in Iceland - BBC News

Dumb idea, wouldnt it be better to use that many kwh it requires to run the plant to be used in electric vehicles to move around greener with, and how much energy was wasted to built and develop the plant that only deposits 4000 tons of carbon, look if it was running without outside energy supply that would be one thing, but energy that otherwise could have been used elsewhere is not also used to run the plant, the smart way of doing things is to use less energy to move around, solar is still the best way of harnessing energy, I have 800watts of solar, and that is enough for one dude to run all his electrical equipment, and also to be stored in batteries to move a dude around with an electric bike and also his electric outboard engine, 800 watts on land can be much more effectively used than on an unstatic constantly moving boat, I would say 1000watts of solar will per person and 2000watts for two persons and 3000watts for three persons so on and so forth is all a family need, sure you need a car too but that should only be used if you are going farther than an electric bike can take you and if you want to move heavy things around, other than that a family doesnt need more to enjoy life, and cars are boring to drive in town, a bike is much more fun and you get around lot quicker too, no traffic :) so if you are concern about global warming, you dont need to increase taxes on people, making their life harder and poorer, education is the way, not more taxes, you want less wear and tear on roads and bridges and cleaner air and less honking and less cars and lot less stress, then get an Ebike and drive your car less, dont waste resources on bad ideas like this one, and another thing, climate change cannot be reversed, its the consequences of your causes, you cannot turn back time and reverse it, the harsh weather is here to stay, the only thing you can do is to live with it, plan for it and build stronger infrastructure, here in the US thanks to President Biden who saved 300 000 dollars a day that was wasted in Afghanistan, now he can finance his great infrastructure plans, and you guys in the UK again thanks to our Mr President Biden saved shit load of money for you too, now you have more to invest in your own infrastructure, I know the floods and the harsh weather has devastated many areas in the UK as well, now you can invest in your own people who are seeking governments assistance, you shouldnt listen to crazy idiotic hateful people like Nigel Forgery Farage and such, you should support the peacemakers among your elected officials, not these loonies who have cost you more than you can bear, you should thank President Biden for what he did for you, dont let hate and what is destructive shape your minds further in the name of democracy and freedom, good luck.
