عيسى و إيسا

There is something to this thats for sure, I have always said, the further westwards in this case Scripture goes, the more confusing it gets, for obvious reasons, so get back to the original texts and by that the closer to the truth you get, yes the Christ was a dark skinned (man) NOT a god, because there is only One God, the Creator, Jesus was Jesus, and God is God, very simple. The reason why I insist on these thing is, dont get surprised when a man not very European looking in terms of a white man coming and claiming he is the Christ, and I believer the time is coming to its end soon, many of you will see him, and let me tell you something else, he wont be from any elite families, you wont be trace his linage back to a father scientifically speaking, when that has been proven, you know who he is, you can choose to believe or not, but its coming down soon.
