Documentary on Edoardo Agnelli

This documentary should definitely be translated into English or better a new one being made about this pure soul Edoardo Agnelli, the only son of Gianni Agnelli considered the king of the first royal family of Italy, to make a long story short because this documentary is in Persian and from their perspective which I dont dispute the facts of here, because they are not claiming much other than that, Edoardo converted to Islam in his youth and because of that his family sanctioned him to the point that he couldnt even take a cab down town, and this family generated over 60 billion in profits anually and Edoardo was the heir of that fortune and naturally an Italian royal family cannot have a Muslim their son running the enterprises as the head of the family, many articles have been written about him and in those Edoardo was smeared as a loon a mentally ill individual they even tried to portrait him as a heroin user, when in fact Edoardo tried to help the addicts by talking them out of their habits, and the ironic thing here is, the news papers that smeared him was owned by his family and being the most powerful family in Italy, many feared them and did what they were told to do, and they did, they tried to denigrate this pure soul Edoardo with all means at their disposal, they wanted him to denounce his faith and finally his father gave the orders for him to be murdered, he murdered his own son, its actually a sad story what he went trough, his story is very similar to mine and thats why I want to draw more attention to this story and to Edoardo, to do him some justice, in my own way, so that I have done my part at least.
The story goes on to tell Edoardo converted to Islam in his youth, when he studied more, couple of years later he chose Shia Islam as his philosophy, and this is why the Iranian state run media made this documentary about him, again, I am not disputing the facts presented in their piece about him, what I take issue with is that the mollas are using him as a propaganda tool, here is the thing, in the 70s when Edoardo converted to Islam and a couple of years later chose Shia Islam as his way, there here no Internet and you couldnt that easily research about the critics of the molla theology, I do fully why Edoardo chose Shia Islam, because at the core of it, the difference between Shia Islam and the Sunni denominations has to do with the martyrdom of the blood family of Prophet Mohammad by the hands of the leaders most of the Sunnis look up to, yes this is a fact, here is a very contradictory beliefs of the Sunnis today, they argue that succession must not go though prophets family members, and people should choose whom they want as their next religious leader, well here all of the sudden the Arabs come to for the first time and the only time since the death of Prophet Mohammad and and even before that all of the sudden come to argue for some kind of democracy, which is ironic really because as I said and as you all know, that was the only time they argued for that, because we have not seen them stand for anything democratic after that time they argued for choosing their religious leader after the death of Prophet Mohammad or ever since that, or am I wrong ?? if you go through Abrahamic religious scriptures, you all know succession ALWAYS go though other family members, Prophet Abraham to his sons, Prophet Moses through his brother, Prophet Jacob through his son and Prophet Mohammad because he had no sons, he chose Imam Ali, but now all of the sudden the Arabs of Arabia wanted democracy on the matter, I refer you to the movie the Message 1977, watch it, you will get a better clue of what I am talking about, in the movie the mortal enemy of Prophet Mohammad was a man called Abu Sufian, the wealthiest man in Mecca, a pegan, and he resisted and raised up armies to defeat Prophet Mohammad, but failed, and when Prophet Mohammad defeated him and entered Mecca, he never persecuted him, allowed him to live and keep his wealth, Abu Sufian "converted" to Islam, just to stay relevant in Mecca, but deep inside he was the same evil monster he always was, with this great wealth he manipulated paid off so many of the new converts and befriended many of Prophet Mohammads closest friends, thats what a few gold coins can do to some people, anyways, you get the picture, and when Prophet Mohammad was about to pass over, they had already planned to replace him with one of their own, and not Imam Ali as Prophet Mohammad wanted, when he passed away, the other group waged a dirty campaign and basically murdered every single blood family of Prophet Mohammad, even women and children were slaughtered in the worst way imaginable, they wanted to eradicate them all fully, but God saved some of them.
So when you read the historical facts about how Shias came about, you tend to stand by their side of the political argument, another fact for you, the sect of Sunnis were established 300 years after this event, but the Sunnis or most of them, not all of them but most of them, especially those who go to get indoctrinated in Saudi Arabia they tend to argue against the Shias, because the core of this teachings are from the same people who murdered the blood family of the Prophet, its from them all Jihadi Ideologies come from, Al Qaeda ISIL Wahabism you name it, the only thing I take issue with this documentary is that, the mollas are taking advantage of the heritage the status of this pure soul Edoardo Agnelli an Italian guy that only saw the pureness of Islam and the Holy Quran but was unable to see though this molla regimes real ugly face who have highjacked the sufferings and the history of what went on 1600 years ago with respect of what I informed you about around the politics of the succession and using it today for their own personal financial advantage, and having the next heir of Fiat as one of their own, would be a priceless prize which the Agnelli could not allow to happen, but they went further than that, they had already chosen the young son of Giannis second wifes a Jewish lady as the head of Fiat, a little boy with no experience and the word is that Mossad had something to do with both the murder of Edoardo, the smearing of him to have the half brother this young Jewish boy to take over Fiat and to become the head of the family, there are just so many evil actors in this story from the mollas who wanted to take advantage of Edoardo, from Mossad who wanted him gone and have this other boy taking over, and here the only innocent person was in fact Edoardo and he paid the ultimate price and got assassinated for it, by two parties equally evil and in the middle of it is this guy, Edoardo Agnelli, I urge you to both translate this documentary into English and make a new one, because his story need to heard more. 
