Iraq: A revolution murdered • FRANCE 24 English

Listen I never ever mean to directly offend anyones personal beliefs or what religious denomination you belong to, I have learned to be critical after all hypocrisy I have seen even from the so called best of those religious leaders, I have come to realize, power corrupts, corruption get attracted to organized anything, where power rest so does corruption and corruption is so powerful that no leader if he or she wants to stay in their position can ignore it, and if you open your eyes wide open you will also see it close to you as well, its everywhere, this is what I have experienced, and I have seen it at close especially with the in this case Shia establishment, the mollas, I am NOT offending your love for the Ahlul Bait ( the blood family ) of the Prophet, what I am saying is, the mollas are taking advantage of their suffering to collude and to corrupt and to mislead because they are criminals, there is no difference between the Taliban the Mollas the Saudi religious establishment and so many other Sunni sect leaders that gets their education from that place in Saudi Arabia, all these cult leaders they would do anything to stay relevant to the extend that they dont either inform their followers of so many thing that is going on in the world right now or keep other very relevant information hidden and by that kneeling to Corruption in other ways, either way, they are NOT serving their followers righteously, they caved in, and if you cave in once, and in their case over and over again, in my view you are not to be trusted, in the case of the Shia molla establishment, I have told you this many times, the mollas of Iran sit on one of the wealthiest foundations called Imam Reza Foundation, worth billions upon billions, same thing with Sistani of Iraq, they sit on billions upon billions as well, while the Iraqis dont even have clean drinking water or electricity, the question is, that is the reason why they sit on that fortune they were donated by the people throughout ages, was the idea from the get go not to distribute it to the needy ?? the idea is to distribute it as soon as you collect it !! didnt Prophet Mohammad say, a laborer must get paid before his sweat dries up with no delay ?? I am telling you all folks, the mollas are the worst safe keepers there is, they are banksters thats what they are and the worst kind as well, I mean blessed are the western banksers because at least they return some of what they have collected, the mollas they dont even do that. Now to how they have "managed" to establish security, you all know, if Sistani wanted he could have freed every political prisoner, he could find all your boys and daughters kidnapped and he could find the killers of your family members, but did he ? or are those mercenaries loyal to him are the ones have assassinated your kids, did he give back ANYTHING back to society with the wealth he sits on, I am telling you, do NOT make excuses for him and those like him, time has proven how corrupt he and those like him are, the same with the mollas of Iran, the mollas of Iran have lost so much support amongst Iranian people that they have imported poor uneducated now brainwashed foreigners from Afghanistan from Iraq from Lebanon to safe guard them in Iran, I saw with my own eyes how the Iranian military officers illtreated the Afghan youth in Syrian by beating them insulting them treating them like cattle because their lives doesnt mean anything for them, and I saw other Afghan Uncle Toms obeying their masters pushing fellow Afghans around for a paycheck and for a better bed to sleep on, for better accommodations, I am telling you, disregard these criminal self serving cult leaders because most of you havent seen fraction of what they truly are, have faith in God and Him alone, its gonna get better but it will prolonged while you stay loyal to these criminals who couldnt care a bit for you, the apple doesnt fall from the tree, judge from their fruits, isnt it just rotten full of poison ?? you know it is, dont make any excuses for them, like I did once, dont do it, demand better, do what I do, discredit them every step of the way, so help us God.
Create a leaderless quiet movement a peaceful one and make it grow, what I mean with leaderless is so that they cannot target one or two of you, every week pass out the baton to another sort of speak, in other words, let everyone speak loudly, allow everyone to become a leader, this movement need millions or intelligent outspoken leaders to become successful, good luck :)
