Iraq's Nasriyah sees anti-goverment movement gain momentum

What is your now so beloved and trusted religious (cult) leaders like Sistani like Sadr and the rest of them doing to help you find out there your sons are being held at, you will one day soon come to find out that what I have warned you about them was the truth, these people are NOT there to serve you, they serve someone else, you all need to create a new united movement outside your particular religious denominations, do it around a cause, you dont need to appoint a leader for this movement, for them evil doers to target and kill at their will and kill the whole movement with that, unite just around to a total disassociation from ALL your public leaders of all types, a leaderless movement, for now, and never vote in any elections, your system cannot be worse than what it already is, it cant get worse, why vote, in fact discourage people to take part in these sham elections.
The problem here is your religious leaders, and nothing else, they are the ones who betrayed you, and the rest of the snakes followed them, for a paycheck. I feel bad for you, but it is what it is for now, with Gods help it will improve one day but for now, you know what to do.
