Jon Stewart DESTROYS CNN on Their Trump Obsession

Well said, what the mainstream media and that includes Fox News CNN and also many leftis alternative media from what I have been hearing is, before these people like Trump came along, everything was running fine, what they do not want to admit is the fact that, they contributed to all this, decades of miss-disinformation and lies is what led the people to this we have today, I mean what did they expect people would just swallow all the BS they shoved in peoples mouths, I think they are so well paid, so occupied with socializing with their late night dinars and whatever the hell they are doing that they have lost touch with the rest of society, and when a person like Trump who was in a long time making comes along to tell people what they want to hear, now these socialites are shocked over what they caused, they are still out of touch, like in the movie Alita or Elysium they live in their own little bubble looking down on the 99% what they dont realize is, they are nothing more than a tiny 1 something percent, there is a whole diverse universe outside their little world they have created for themselves, and people are pissed off over the misdistribution of opportunities, I have said this before, these corrupt politicians these spokes men and women for even more corrupt and greedy the higher ups at times they offer spoils like decriminalizing weed, after these pharmaceutical companies already have made trillions of the back pain of you and yours, now they offer to decriminalizing it, now that they know they are in trouble of revolt speak of offering (perhaps) a 15 dollar minimum wage, throwing in some meaningless healthcare too to keep your mouths shut, and people think they have been given the world, getting satisficed with so little when you could have so much more, and on top of it, they dont even pay their damn taxes, pretending they do, corrupt politicians speak of being willing to pay more taxes themselves when they know its all empty words because, sure they legislate the law, but they dont speak of the loop holes they put there by design themselves, and who is suffering here, not them, they are doing better than fine, during any economical crisis, they are the ones who get richer while those riches has to come from somewhere, somebody has to loose for another to collect its the name of the game today, look you all know I am Believer, in God, the Almighty, and when you mess up a good show a good deal, guess what the director does, pull the plug, wouldnt you do that yourself ?? you know this cant go on like this, changes are needed, but I am not hopeful these greedy corrupt people will suddenly change their ways.
I have a suggestion, you should make a movie out of it !! I think it would be good to in some way or another make all the millioners and and all politicians as well, make them change places with the regular working class for a while, let them work two jobs for 10 dollars in hour (and) pay taxes on it for a couple of years then allow them to go back to their old lives, and see how well behaved they will become, a movie should be made about this topic with some great actors, I already can see one, have Matt Damon as the main character, the plot of the movie should be about a global revolt against the rich making them all working their butts off while others feast and chill, now that would be a movie :) and dont forget my 7% !! I want my money !!!!!
