Ocasio-Cortez says moderate senators "not really coming to the table" ov...

I understand the frustration by the anti Manchin and Sinema in the Democrat side, its clear that they have no care of the substance of the bill and its proposed programs but more like a game of numbers and game of numbers alone, if they had proposed changes they do not like in the bill, surly they wouldnt settle for an even number like 1,5 trillion, they are playing a dirty game with peoples lives, and Sinema, she doesnt even give interviews explaining what the hell she wants, no body knows what she wants, I dont think she knows what she wants but to get the attention she is receiving, as the saying goes, there is no such thing as positive or negative attention, same difference, for her, I think myself that she is preparing for her other carrier outside public service proving her a loyal shill for the mega corporations, she is thinking, she is young and she will have better prospects outside public service with those she is sucking up to, I propose her supporters her constituency rethink her second term by voting for a proper public servant, not a shill like her, same thing with Manchin, vote them out next time around, you deserve better. 
