'Please put a price on carbon', says Europe's biggest utility

I am sick and tired of these criminal corrupt tax avoiding autocrats and bureaucrats whose only reason for breathing seems to be to make the lives of regular people more intolerable with higher taxes while they run and hide their own money elsewhere, from what I have seen, no one here or anywhere else are (wasting) energy in any form like driving more than back and forth to their jobs, do the groceries pick up their kids from school and the absolute most necessary things they have to do, and they are already suffering and struggling with this minor things, and these mother fuckers wants to raise taxes on this too, hell with them all, if you want to decrease carbon into the atmosphere, tax the wealthy people and their hobbies instead, like gas taxes on their super yachts, their private jets they fly around or their smaller airplanes, their fucking hobbies, why are you constantly bothering those who have very little of nothing, you fucking monsters, you are really pissing me off, I will resist you, you need to be taxes the fuck out of you, and when you have as little as the average Joe then I want to hear you begging asking and crying to raise peoples taxes, you shall not get what you want.
Please dont tax average Joes carbon, you have already sucked all the fluids left out of 99% of us, now you are going for our bones too, when will you be satisficed, you blood sucking vampires. 
