President Biden Delivers Remarks on the Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill &...

20:20, you are absolutely right Mr President, I have been traveling around the country for a bit here and there and I think what can be improved in terms of infrastructure and one of the first thoughts is the electrical lines on those wooden poles, that I see electricians work on to repair, it must be very costly each and every time, look like a human body, our vains are (under) the skin, to have it protected from outside elements, so should all electrical lines as well, I know America went their own way of doing things from the early days and kept the old ways of doing things till now, it reminds me of the feud between Tesla and Edison, one wanted to go AC and the other one the other want wanted to go DC and thank God you went AC, but you were basically forced to do so, because it was the better way but it took a lot of persistence to chose the better way, what bothers me is also the old electrical sockets you still use here, the very flawed ones, hundred years old design, have you seen the Scandinavian ones?? its so good it never breaks down, never !, so naturally all electrical cables has be be dogged underground, it looks neater, its low maintenance and its much safer, and another way to reduce carbon in traffic and in vehicles, is the so very inefficient traffic light stops I have seen, the rhythm and efficacy is so offset that keeps cars in a standstill, these are very easy fixes that has to be corrected without delay, there are many other improvements I can bring up but these two things with, cables underground and fix the traffic light sequences to let traffic run smoother.
Good luck President Biden, your Build Back Better Than Ever Agenda is what this country need right now and shame on those senators who are keeping it back, shame on them. 
