Taliban foreign affairs spokesman denounced US drone operations | al Jaz...

God has stated very clearly in the Holy Quran that men are just a tiny little degree above women and thats because He created Adam before Hawa, and thats it, end of discussion, they have the same rights as men do, you cant tell them to be the creatures you backward donkeys wants them to be, I am talking to you so called hard liners, and you of all better shut your filthy mouths, because it was YOU who financed your "jihad" by trading in heroin, so shut the hell up, you all should be executed for all these crimes, not to speak of the practice of bache bazi that was widespread among your own communities, in other words, you are a nothing but heroin trading pedophiles, thats what you are and you must be put under, to the least one of you who remains, you are a disgrace, YOU are the unbelievers the Kafirs, the real jihad should be on you, I hope people rise up and deal with you criminals, look we know, some of you will never change, you will not change because you want to stay relevant so you will keep on your primitive simple backwards brutal cruel ways to keep people in check and you in power, this way of thinking has to end and you are in the way, I hope people rise up and deal with you the way you are treating others, I hope you taste your own medicine soon, the sanctions will remain as long as you are.
