Afghanistan's economy still relies heavily on opium, cannabis | DW News

The notion that growing poppies is the only way to make ends meet is NOT true at all, in fact in order to grow poppies it requires lot more water than other crops, these farmers want to make more money, I understand they are not making much but I very firmly believe if they chose to be righteous God fearing and stopped this greed practice to make more, growing other crops would come with more blessings for them in their lives, I am convinced even if they grew ten times more than they do today they would still stay in poverty because God doesnt bless blood money especially for those who are familiar with the commandments, look I have seen many people from all around the world with a small farm they grow their foods they have their chickens and perhaps a cow a goat for milk and with that they can feed their families and they are far away from starving, from that little land God has provided for them and blessed them even if they are perhaps unaware of where the blessing comes from, so one can provide and feed a family without growing poppies and other crops where they know will be used for drug production, so I dont buy their argument that growing poppies is the only way to feed their families, its just not a correct argument, as I said if this farmer could grow ten times more, he will still have the same miserable life style, and these Talibans, they can pretend to be some kind of "holy" warriors all they want, they are nothing but backward hypocrites, they dont believe in God, they are the foot soldiers of the Devil, doing his will not Gods will, and for this they will one day soon pay for, the truth is half of the blame has to go towards the Pakistani ISI intelligence services, they are the ones ordering the Talibans around, they are the ones who buy their heroin and ship it all around the world, and Imran Khan that super corrupt criminal is part of the problem too, he is the front face of this criminal enterprise.
