Author John McWhorter: ‘Wokeness’ hurts Black communities and our society

Agreed, at this point in time, the more you talk about racism the more you will fuel it, you rather want to have it forgotten, this new generation are not racists unless you push them to take a side on a topic they rather spend their times on other issues, but when you make it an issue, then you force people to take a side, and in this case with race, you dont want that unless you have massive amount of issues yourself personally, as he said this is not the 60s, back then it was necessary to march and demonstrate and do all those things, we should have stopped talking about race two decades ago in my view, wasted 20 years, and still people dont learn, just stop talking about race, as if doesnt exist, yes its this simple !! and if you dont get it, I am sorry for you, but know this, you are NOT healing the division or solving any issues, you have made it worse than it should be, the evidence is clear in society, things are getting worse thanks to some of the things some of you insist on, again the evidence speaks for itself, so stop it, its like religions, there are many denominations with in them all, I always say to the Muslims, just say you are Muslims, no shia sunny maleki hannafi wahabi business, just say you are Muslims and thats it, same thing I say to the Jews and Christians, just say you are Christians and follow the New Testament as best as you understand it and call it the day and everything is fine, and we know how divided the Jews are too with all the hundreds of sects with in them too, just follow the Holy Torah as best as you understand it and you also will do fine, much better in fact, and to the rest of mankind I say, just say you are human beings and thing will be just fine there too, but no, some with many many personal issues for whatever reasons just need to start conflicts one way or the other, look anything can be taken too far to the extremes and this is what is happening with everything, people should just chill relax be cool and take acre of your own issues before you try to solve bigger issues out there, love yourself first then the love of the world will be more visible for you then you know, we are one big family placed on this planet for a reason, to reunite as one, kapish ??
