Greeting to President Xi Jinping !
I am glad my apology was so well received by you your excellency, finding out a good dwelling in your acceptance made not only me loudly happy but apparently many others as well, we have spent too many days exploring the bad habits one can spread around ones global surroundings, it made a lot of people very nervous, I admit it was most uncivil from my side at least, I allowed myself being exploit by wolves who never get tired of looking for their next meal, not that I wasnt aware of what was going on, I wouldnt had let it go too far, but far enough it went before the opportunity came about to reach out and how well it was received by you, I would like to see this will show a glimpse of hope for a much stable coexistence not only between us but also those who we made nervous, let us prepare ourselves to reach out to them as well putting their minds also at ease, I think this would also be very well received by other partners, I think it is now time to send a letter of hope even to our opponents timidly draw all a little bit closer instead of pushing them apart, it is evident that you are a great man a reasonable man and a kind man, I would like to call you a friend, like you called my Uncle Joe a friend :) who knows perhaps I will sail to China one of these days, I am crazy enough to do it so dont get surprised if I show up one day, I would like to make the long trip over the Pacific, I have already crossed the Atlantic now I guess Pacific is next :)
