Flashpoint: China and Taiwan | 101 East

This China dream one man is fantasizing about, chairman Xi, he like many others around the world today seek to establish a kind of empire, in the case of China because of its size and opportunities and the resources it possess unlike other autocrats around the world, I can see why chairman Xi of China want to establish himself as one of the greats in history of mankind, what I also see is, every time an empire is risen a short while after it leads to a catastrophic armed conflict, then all parties are being forced to start from scratch again from zero, I am thinking to myself, if I was China and chairman Xi right now I know with the current military power I sit on no one would initiate an attack on me or threaten me in anyway, and thats with what I already possess so why would I if I truly care for my people and their wellbeing waste the countrys resources to expand my military unless I had some nefarious plans, and if I had that as I said before history has shown it will lead to war and in war especially in this age there wont be any winners only losers, in the best case scenario if we all are lucky can we start from laying the first bricks to rebuild what has been wiped out.
The reason I say this is because of course I want China and all other nations to be prosperous and do as good as their people are capable of presenting themselves as good world citizens, part of the human family, I truly do not understand why China need more military equipment because as it is today, no one is after yours, isnt it better to continue building upon what you already have, why then even bother with Taiwan let them be, there is nothing to gain from even a conflict with little Taiwan.
I hope one day soon we all can get along and not waste time on speaking about hostilities but about positive things more cooperation around more urgent matters, I also want to take the opportunity and apologize to chairman Xi about some of the nasty things I have said before, I am not going to allow any party from now on to take advantage of me against their own opponents, their business is between theirs and mine differ from the rest of them, I want to get along with everyone, we must somehow get along if we truly care for this planet and its inhabitants, the human family
