Hamas reacts with fury as Britain moves to ban group

I know the great state of Qatar would disagree with this decision and I for my part agree with it but I also have to add that Britain did this for all wrong reasons, so I and Qatar have to agree to disagree on this issue, I am against ALL corrupt groups, the Zionists as well, I oppose them all because none of them fight for the right reason and both sides lie to the public, and because of their corruption this conflict with these two parties the Zionists on one side and the so called resistance groups on the other hand will not be the ones to solve this, the reason I oppose Hamas Fatah and the rest of them is because I have met their people and I didnt like one single one of them, especially Fatah PLO, they are all full of shit, and their actions are nothing but destructive as well, I believe if they were smarter they would have provided better living conditions for their people but instead because of their corruption from within the aid they receive goes to their own private pockets, this is inexcusable, people are suffering and they are to blame for much of it, and they also instigate hostilities every now and then, not excusing the Zionist regimes acts here, but we have seen Hamas cult followers sending fire balloons on daily basis, why do that ?? why do stupid things like that, and there are so many other things too, and they also do not allow freedom of speech when they murder those who criticize them and no one is hold accountable for these killings, they cant even be merciful towards their own people, they are a bunch of criminals, and I can never endorse corrupt criminals, I cant do it, the Palestinians need to stop supporting these groups till the time comes for establishing a One State in the Holy Land, two states would never work for many reasons, here is one, and this reason should be enough to explain why it would never work, lets say another Palestinian state is created, do you think Israel would allow this new state to have a real military with, more than enough weaponry to defend itself, like modern SAM systems, to have more and accurate missiles to have one organized military, of course they wouldnt let this happen and the Palestinians would feel offended if they cannot have a sovereign state like any other, this new Palestinian state would have so many restrictions on it that no one would accept it, yet these politicians still cheer for it because its an issue that is so far ahead in the future that they would have to deal with it then and not now or anytime in the near future, so they are pushing it aside thats what it means, and as I said deep inside they know themselves this would never work, or they are under the illusion the wishful thinking that this new Palestinian state and its leaders would accept all these restrictions, which I think the public the Palestinian people would oppose and the rest of the Islamic world would oppose as well, because its a great insult to ones dignity, so I say why even waste time on something that is a total waste of time and instead start talking about things that can be done, things that would actually work, and thats a One State in the Holy Land where the Jews and the Arabs can live in peace and prosperity, I believe if we remove all these old hawks from both sides and let the new generation take over, we can do what these criminals on both sides could never achieve in 80 years, give them another 180 years they still wouldnt do better or worse than they already have done, in fact I believe what these crazies on both sides will instead achieve is not peace but a catastrophic war, then I want to see how many of you will be alive to tell the story, not many I can tell you, in other words, you are living on borrowed time, you are doomed to fail both of you, you will destroy not only yourselves but many others along this path you have chosen for yourselves and perhaps you deserve it, perhaps a new world can be created when you are gone, and all this because you never listened and let us do what is right for all, dont say I never warned you, I have the world as my witness, go ahead with your plans, go ahead and destroy yourselves.
