How the Housing Crisis and the Labor Shortage are linked

100% true ! no housing no job, humans are not soulless robots, they need at least some sense of stability to collect themselves and actively trying to find a job, you cant do that with no rest and some peace of mind, tell that to the Republicans who wants to cut down on any social program and hire more cops instead, thats the only answer to all their questions it seems, I say we need both, and gradually when things start to improve less cops, and those cops remaining with money saved because of less crimes, the cops can drive around in nice Corvettes, in any color they want, you want a pink Corvette, fine why not, but we are not there yet, right now we need to convince people on the right to come to their senses and support some of these ideas.
I also suggest we build mini housings for the homeless, everywhere, and there should be two or three classifications around these mini villages, on the lower ladder outside town, mini villages should be built for those who are hopeless, basically, those who have so many issues they cant ever get back on their feets, the second ladder of housings should be for those with hope, just unfortunate people, the third settlements of villages should be for those with much hope they will find a job for themselves and keep it, and when you see someone on the second ladder showing sign of greater hope they should be moved to the third level a higher standard of housing, perhaps with individual personal showers in their mini houses and such, the point is, people should be encouraged to get up on their feets on their own with assistance, I these these measures would be very productive for society as whole, another thing, if an employer need workers, they know where to go and find willing people to have a steady work at, very simple, its a great idea, people should get down and work on it, make it happen.
