Iranian TV Airs Song Titled “The Great Satan“ on Anniversary Of U.S. Emb...

A regime that oppresses its own people, displaces them, import foreigners from all over the Middle East that are aligned with their own molla ideology from countries like Lebanon Iraq Afghanistan to man up their own satanic cult has no right to call others satanic, there are no human rights in Iran to speak of to anyone outside this molla cult, if you are a supporter of this molla cult, you will have business opportunities, you will be guarantied a high paying government job, housing opportunities, you will at least not struggle like those who are not attached to this satanic molla cult, I have told you folks, a preaching molla, his salary is five to seven times higher than a government employee, I am not talking about 10-20-30 % higher salary, I am talking talking about at least five times higher, and what does these mollas do, every Friday they go to a mosque stand there and give a speech for an hour and leave the place so quickly in case people want to address some of their issues, they take no questions no nothing just leave as soon as they showed up from the shadows, no wonder they can afford picking up a new girl to temporary "marry" on weekends, I have told you folks, the mollas take use of female prostitutes as spies, I know this as a matter of fact, half of their ranks are gay, not kidding, and by mollas I mean both the Lebanese the Iraqi shia mollas as well, swear to God many of their trusted spies are involved in magic too, they call it white magic, look the deeper you go in this cult the more you see how they really are I am telling you, dont get fooled by the simple way they dress and their opposition against the west, these mollas are such dirty hypocrites its out of town, I am certain the sunny muftis from Saudi Arabia are just as bad, those of you who have been awaken know what kind of dirty scumbags ISIL followers are too, the dirtiest street thugs addicts and criminals and you know the muftis who collected these child molester ISIL dont you think they are even worse than these street thugs, of course they are, so it not a matter of taking one side over the other, what I am telling you is this, ALL these groups all these cults are deep in satanic activities, they are two sides of the same coin, its not more difficult to understand than this, this channel Memri is a pro jihadi propaganda channel, they show the hypocrisy of the molla side and the molla channels exposes their criminalities, so I use them both against each other, makes my job so much easier, and it should make things clearer for you as well, so its not taking one side over the other, they are both as rotten as the other, but what these mollas have done now is to displace the Iranians, making them flee their own country and replace them with these poor shia Lebanese Iraqis and Afghans now speaking in Persian making Persian speaking hezbola propaganda videos, this is what they have turned Iran into now, and how they finance their satanic criminal activities is via drug trade, they export all kinds of drugs to the west to other Middle Eastern countries and they are so filthy that they even spread it inside their own country, keeping people down that way, and the have allies in the west, like in Sodom Sweden, look guys, I swear to God, I have seen Swedish polis in uniform at pitbull dog fights, I have seen them handing over drugs to criminal individuals to sell it, and you wont believe it when I say, at the dog fight, they not only came in police uniform they even came with their painted police cars, I have seen things in Sodom I am telling you, its not what you think of Sweden as a this calm well managed country, its a Luciferian cult running EVERYTHING there, and they are in cahoots with hezbolla with those who organize for ISIL they work closely with the MEK MKO, I knew a police officer a captain or something, someone higher ups, he was married to this REAL Iranian MEK Luciferian bitch, a real witch, Sweden is a safe haven for all these cults I am telling you, and its not just Sweden these luciferians are in control of, there are other European countries as well, we are told that the Antichrist will start his rule from Europe, thats his headquarters, there he will have many politicians and royalties on his side, and these people control both the criminal underworld and government institutions above it, this is how bad things are right now, and they are in an agreement with the right winged here in the west too, less so with the left than the right, its true folks, you heard here its gospel you better believe it, just as you see and hear from the right wingers that everyone beside them are either Luciferian pedophiles and such, you hear the same rhetoric from the right winged religious loonies in Iran as well, that all except them are satanic and the worst, while you all know the pastors and their friends here are the actual pedophiles devil worshipers and the hypocrites, so are the mollas too, but they are the first and the loudest to project and deflect all these attributes on their opponents, this is what they are doing and so many of you have fallen for it, you need to wake up buddy, dont let them take you for a ride and dont let them brainwash your kids like this, inform the young ones of the dangers they face, because they are targeted by the real bad guys. 
