Kyle Rittenhouse Says He Acted In Self-Defense | The View

This boy has a lots of issues, a naive fool seeking to be a man and got himself in trouble, his argument was that he wanted to go there and "help", before I continue my own argument I must say I in strongest terms condemn the rioters and also those who tried to attack this idiot of a boy, but his argument he stated that he went there to help, look even in war medics and non combaters do not carry weapons and they even wear distinctive uniforms to make them stand out from soldiers, so that they wouldnt be targeted and shot at as soldiers, those are there to (really) help, you dont carry weapons in a battlefield and think that would somehow send the signal you indented as a peaceful individual, this guy left his own town went elsewhere where he knew there would be trouble, he in fact invited trouble provoked in a chaotic situation and as predicted got more than he could chew and killed two persons and shot another one who also could have been fatal, I understand he got attacked, what he could do is to run as fast as he could out of there but he didnt, I also understand someone pulled a hand gun, in that case Kyle acted I dont want to say correctly but he shouldnt get convicted for that, that can be considered self defense, but getting hit by a skate board is no reason to shoot someone several times, he should be convicted for second degree murder, be given ten years or something, but all this could have been avoided if he just minded his own business and stayed home and let the cops do their jobs instead, in my view the blame must go towards others too, like the far right media that paint a picture that makes these weak minded individuals believe they must take matters in their own hands, I am sure Kyle didnt go there with the intention to kill people, but he did, and there has to be some kind of penalty for his action, his parents must share the blame too, allowing him to have this powerful weapon as a minor and not preventing him to stay at home, I am sure at home he was encouraged to harbor such strong views that led him to leave town to go and take matters in his own hand, they must have been pepping each other at home while watching far right media outlets, one cannot pretend mainstream media like Fox news and others are behaving like adults with the way they report on these matters either, weak minded people like Kyle can and will get affected by the rhetoric they hear via these media outlets thats for damn sure, so I would blame both far right media his parent especially his parent for not calming him down and not let him go to such extremes, Kyle is not innocent here, his actions led him to this, but we have to be fair and recognize that he also got threatened but not in all three cases he should have shot them killed two and could have killed another one too, he shouldnt get too harsh of a sentence but ten years is a minimum he should get for killing two persons, that is five years for each life taken, and that is still cheap I think, he is not the only one to blame here, but he is not innocent even though he looks like a naive little boy, I hope people take a lesson from this and dont get themselves in these kind of situations where you know people there are armed and just being there will very likely lead to trouble, especially when it is not your problem, let those living there take care of their own issues and let the authorities do their jobs, dont make it harder on the cops by taking wasting their time on you when they could have been more productive arresting these rioters, this is my take on the matter, Kyle is not innocent here and he took two lives when he could have run out of there instead of pointing his weapon on others inviting trouble, I would recommend ten years with opportunity to get out sooner with good behavior, but he should get some kind of penalty for what he caused.
