Last Week in the Republican Party...

One thing is for sure, these right wingers are not a danger to America but they also are making the whole world less stable as well, whatever they touch turns into chaos like when have you ever heard Fox news ever told the whole truth about anything, and these right wingers take whatever they are hearing from it as Gods true gospel, now they want only one ideology one religion to be state sanctioned, they are absolute lunatics, never cast your vote for any of them on any matter, however bad sometimes the Dems can be, they are never as bad as Fox news, look all these economical problems today with high inflation, who caused it to begin with, the Republican party, they caused it, cleaning it up is not an easy task, bring down a house is lot easier than raising one, each and every time they come to power takes at least two terms of Democratic administrations to restore the mess they left behind, again, there is nothing worse than Fox news, they (are) the Rip-ublican party, 2022 midterms has to be ours and 2024 as well with higher margins than this time around, we did it this time together we can do it again only better, I know some of you friends are not very happy with what is going on today, but who caused it, and would things get better to have these who cased all this do it all over again, how many set backs can one take before things collapse ?? we need to take home 2022 to start with, then we go over to win in 2024 as well, so help us God, Amen, I truly believe if the Rips take over in 2022 and in 2024, they can start WW3- 4 and 5 all at the same time, look with the loss of them this time, we got a much better government in Israel, we got rid of Satanyaho too, and other crazies in Europe as well, dont tell me you want them all back, we have to continue improving on what already have been achieved, we have to continue on this path being all of us long distance runners, we have to do this for world peace, the world is at the brink of WW3 as it is right now, but we can restore some calm and order to it, so are you gonna be a helping hand here or will you use your hand to be destructive with, I say help us here bringing peace to the world, because we can do it, yes we can :)
